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Spanish. Español para objetivos académicos

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Náplní kurzu je práce s odbornými texty textů. Na základě textů si budou studentky a studenti vytvářet glosář, psát resumé, eseje a vést diskuze. Texty budou vybírány s ohledem na obory studované posluchači kurzu. Součástí kurzu budou rovněž odborné prezentace, nácvik textů jako např. motivační dopisy, žádosti, stížnosti.

Kurz je vyučován rodilým mluvčím.


The course is designed for students who have mastered standard Spanish at B1/B2 level.

The course deepens both the knowledge of Spanish and communication skills that are necessary when working with more difficult academic texts, predominantly with regard to social sciences.

It underlines the written language and developing academic skills. The course is suitable as a preparation for study stays in Spanish speaking countries.

One-semester course, 1 session of 90 mins per week.

In case of distant learning the originally planned face-to-face lessons will be realized via one of the platforms MS Teams, Adobe Connect, Zoom (this will be specified according to the current government or faculty/university restrictions).