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Western Armenian - texts and translations II

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Western Armenian – texts and translations/Západoarménština – texty a překlady

Přednášky, 3-hodinové dvoutýdenní přednášky, 2 kredity, ústní a písemná zkouška

Languages of instruction: English, Czech and Western Armenian

Lecture course, 3-hour fortnightly lectures, 4 credits, oral and written examination

This course presupposes two previous semesters of introductory Western Armenian, as texts will be explored in the original language and not in translation. A wide variety of prose and poetry from the period 1850-1950 will be explored. The course will also allow scope for course participants to choose texts of especial interest to them.

• Introduction and revision

• “Awakening” and Romanticism: Ališan, Durean, Tiwsab, Sruanjteanc‘, Paronean and others

• Realism: Zōhrap, Č‘ōpanean, Sipil and others

• Aestheticism: Mecarenc‘, Siamant‘ō, Esayean, Varužan, Intra, T‘ēk‘ēean and others

• Western Armenian Literary Criticism from Ōšakan to Nichanian

• Texts chosen by students


Մանուկ Աբեղեան, Հայոց հին գրականութեան պատմութիւն, Vol. 3, Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia, 2004.

Սրբուհի Հայրապետեան, Հայոց հին եւ միջնադարեան գրականութեան պատմութիւն, Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilica, Antelias, 1988.

Յակոբ Օշական, Համապատկեր Արեւմտահայ Գրականութեան, Vols. 1-10, Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem and Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia, Antelias, 1945-1982. Note that the entire series is being re-published by the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia, edited by Abp. Varujan Herkelian.

Մուշեղ Իշխան, Արդի Հայ Գրականութիւն, Vols. 1-3, Hamazkayin, Beirut, (Vol. 1) undated, (Vol. 2) 1994, (Vol. 3) 1992.

Marc Nichanian , Writers of Disaster: Armenian Literature in the Twentieth Century, Vol. 1, The National Revolution, Taderon Press, 2002

Editions of works by particular authors, especially Paronean, Durean, Mecarenc‘, Siamant‘ō, Zōhrap, Varužan, Intra, Esayean, T‘ēk‘ēean