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Selected problems of Vietnamese history and Vietnamese studies

Class at Faculty of Arts |


Prof. Pham Hong Tung (8.-10. 11. 2022)

Introduction of History and Culture of Vietnam

Vu Duong Luan, Ph.D. (29. 11.-1. 12. 2022)

Chinese Tributary System and Sino-Vietnamese Interactions in Pre-Modern History

Vietnam and the Integration to the Early Modern World  

New Narratives for Vietnamese History: Perspective from the Minorities and Upland Societies 

Sources of Pre-Modern Vietnamese History: Situation and Prospects

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The course consists of lectures by visiting scholars, professor Pham Hong Tung and doctor Vu Duong Luan (Vietnam National University, Hanoi). Professor Tung will present an introductory course on Vietnamese history and Vietnamese Studies.

Doctor Luan will focus on specific problems of Vietnamese pre-modern history.