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Exam Related to the PhD Thesis Topic: American Spanish (with Special Focus on Phonetics)

Class at Faculty of Arts |


Schedule:4 hrs/2ws, Fri 10.50-12.35 ; 13.20-14.55 (every other week, i.e. 23/2, 9/3, 23/3, 6/4, 20/4, 4/5), Room 213/ Hybernska 3, 2nd floor

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The course has been designed for doctoral students but is equally accessible to students at pregradual and gradual levels to cater for their needs. It is a general course introducing the student to (1) the history of Translation Studies along the turns in humanities up to the present, including modern research interests and methodologies, (3) mainstream functionalist theories, their models, methodological backgrounds and application, (4) Czech and Slovak theories and their methodological underpnnings.

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