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Introduction to Translation Studies and Czech and Scandinavian Literature

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Thematic Module - Erasmus course 4 ECTS

Max. 25 students

Tuesday: 16.40 - 18.15 (room 206, Institute of Translation Studies, Hybernska st. 3)

Final assessment requirements: Regular attendance; only one absence allowed. In case of twounexcused absences, student must submit a paper (5 standard pages + references; inEnglish/French/Russian or Czech) to prof. Čeňková (guarantee of the modules) in order to obtain thecredits. Topic of the paper must be related to the module. In case of three absences, ditto, but thepaper in the extent of 10 standard pages. More than three absences will result in a "fail" for the entirecourse. 11. 10. 2011:1) Mgr.David Mraček; Mracek.D@seznam.czIntroduction to Translation StudiesTranslation Studies as an academic discipline, its basic concepts and current research topics, thetranslator´roles and competencies; with special focus on the process of literary translation andintercultural transfer - the key issues of the course. 18.10. 2011:2) PhDr. Zuzana Jettmarová, PhD., zuzana.jettmarova@ff.cuni.czCzech theory of translation (Jiří Levý and the Prague School - Czech functionalist structuralism) 25.10. 2011:3) Mgr. Jaroslav Špirk, Jaroslav.Spirk@seznam.czAnton Popovič and his contribution to Translation Studies in contextThe contribution of Anton Popovič, the constitutive personality of Slovak Translation Studies, to thedevelopment of the discipline in the context of European, Anglo-American and Hebrew thinking ontranslation in the second half of the 20th century. 1. 11. 2011:4) PhDr. Stanislav Rubáš, PhD., stanislav.rubas@ff.cuni.czMácha´s May in English and Russian Translation 8.11 2011:5) PhDr. Šárka Tobrmanová, PhD. - ÚTRL : sarka.tobrmanova@ff.cuni.czKarel Čapek, one of the great 20th-century writers, in context and translation15.11.2011:6) Mgr. Marta Ljubková, Ljubkova@seznam.czOutstanding contemporary Czech proseThere is more about Czech literature than just Milan Kundera only. 22. 11. 2011:7) Mgr. Marta Ljubková, Ljubkova@seznam.czOutstanding contemporary Czech dramaVáclav Havel and other play-writers. 29. 11. 2011:8) Mgr. Jaroslav Špirk, Jaroslav.Spirk@seznam.czMilan Kundera’s novels in the context of the Central European novelWhat is Central and Eastern Europe? Where do the political, historical and cultural boundaries lie andhow permeable are they? Where do the Lands of the Bohemian Crown fit in? Europe of Regions -how novel is the concept? The lecture focuses on Milan Kundera’s novels in the context of the Central-European novel and on his essays regarding the Central-European heritage. 6. 12. 2011:9) PhDr. Eva Kalivodová, PhD., eva.kalivodova@ff.cuni.czBožena Němcová: Text - Myth - Art 13. 12. 2011:10) Doc.PhDr.Martin Humpál, PhD., martin.humpal@ff.cuni.czMajor Scandinavian Dramatists I: Henrik Ibsen 20. 12. 2011:11) Doc.PhDr.Martin Humpál, PhD., martin.humpal@ff.cuni.czMajor Scandinavian Dramatists II: August Strindberg