Obsah předmětu lékařská mikrobiologie, morfologie a fyziologie bakterií, genetika bakterií, interakce bakteriální a hostitelské buňky, viry a hostitelská bunka, viry a hostitelský organismus. Priony. Mikrobiální osídlení lidského těla. Antiinfekční imunita. Základy mykologie. Základy parazitologie. Antibiotika a chemoterapeutika, racionální terapie ATB. Vyšetřovací metody klinické mikrobiologie. Nosokomiální infekce. Sterilizace a desinfekce.
Praktická cvičení (týdenní blok):
Mikroskopické vyšetření v bakteriologii, mykologii a parazitologii. Nativní, fixovaný a barvení preparát. Barvící techniky. Aerobní a anaerobní kultivace bakterií (kultivační média, bakteriální kultury, morfologie kolonií). Identifikace bakterií (API, Pliva Staphytest, Streptotest, Enterotest). Průkaz toxinů. Stanovení citlivosti na antibiotika (diskový difusní test, MIC, MBC, E-testy). Kultivace kvasinek a plísní, GT-test. Serologické reakce (aglutinace, precipitace, imunodifuse, imunofluorescence, ELISA, imunoblot). Molekulárně biologické techniky detekce infekčního agens (PCR, hybridisace). Odběr a transport vzorků, odběrové soupravy.
Před začátkem praktických cvičení Mikrobiologie 2 (příští semestr) se bude psát vstupní test, ve kterém budou prověřeny znalosti získané na praktických cvičeních a přednáškách
Week Lecturer Theme: Introduction to Microbiology. Morphology of bacteria. Physiology of bacteria. Bacterial genetics. Interaction of bacteria and the host. Viruses and the Host. Prions. Normal flora. Principles of antiinfectious imunity mechanisms. Basic properties of pathogenic fungi. Basic properties of parasites. Antibiotics and antimicrobial therapy. Rational antimicrobial therapy. Collecting specimens for microbial diagnostics and basic detection techniques. Nosocomial (Hospital-acquired infections). Disinfection and Sterilisation.
Seminar (Attendance Compulsory): Antiviral, antifungal and antiparazitic therapy.
Practicals (one week,):
Microscopy in medical bacteriology, mycology and parasitology. Native, fixed and stained slide. Staining techniques (Gram. Ziehl-Nielsen, Buri, Giemsa, immunofluorescence). Aerobic and anearobic culture (bacterial culture media, cultures and macroscopic morphology.) Metabolic Tests (API, Pliva Staphytest, Streptotest, Enterotest) Toxin detection. Antigen detection, Typing. Antibiotic susceptibility tests (diffusion disc tests, E-tests, MIC, MBC-testing). Yeast culture (Sabouraud) and GT-test. Serologic reactions( agglutination, precipitation, immunodiffusion, immunofluorescence, ELISA, immunoblot). Genome detection techniques, hybridisation, PCR. Sample collection techniques and Kits, documentation, transport requirements.
Week Lecturer Theme: Introduction to Microbiology. Morphology of bacteria.
Physiology of bacteria. Bacterial genetics.
Interaction of bacteria and the host. Viruses and the Host.
Prions. Normal flora.
Principles of antiinfectious imunity mechanisms. Basic properties of pathogenic fungi.
Basic properties of parasites. Antibiotics and antimicrobial therapy.
Rational antimicrobial therapy. Collecting specimens for microbial diagnostics and basic detection techniques.
Nosocomial (Hospital-acquired infections). Disinfection and Sterilisation.
Seminar (Attendance Compulsory): Antiviral, antifungal and antiparazitic therapy. Practicals (one week,): Microscopy in medical bacteriology, mycology and parasitology.
Native, fixed and stained slide. Staining techniques (Gram.
Ziehl-Nielsen, Buri, Giemsa, immunofluorescence). Aerobic and anearobic culture (bacterial culture media, cultures and macroscopic morphology.) Metabolic Tests (API, Pliva Staphytest, Streptotest, Enterotest) Toxin detection.
Antigen detection, Typing. Antibiotic susceptibility tests (diffusion disc tests, E-tests, MIC, MBC-testing).
Yeast culture (Sabouraud) and GT-test. Serologic reactions( agglutination, precipitation, immunodiffusion, immunofluorescence, ELISA, immunoblot).
Genome detection techniques, hybridisation, PCR. Sample collection techniques and Kits, documentation, transport requirements.
Provides basic information on clinical microbiology, virology, and parasitology. Based on the recent classification, reviews the most important bacteria, fungi, and parasites of humans, their features, pathogenesis, diseases.
Reviews microbiological diagnostic techniques, prevention, vaccination, and therapeutic methods. During the practicals, provides the opportunity to test correct sampling, subsequent basic laboratory diagnostic methods, pathogen identification, and antibiotics sensitivity testing, and strategy of ATB therapy.