20.2.2018 Předmět kariologie, struktura, informační zdroje Prof. Broukal
27.2.2018 Fyziologie a mikrobiologie ústního prostředí Prof. Broukal, Prof. Procházková
06.3.2018 Histologie a histogeneze zubu
13.3.2018 Mikrobiologie zubního kazu Prof. Broukal
20.3.2018 Histopatologický obraz kazivé léze, remineralizace a demineralizace
27.3.2018 Slina a její funkce As. Lenčová
3.4.2018 Výživa a zubní kaz Prof. Broukal
10.4.2018 Klinický obraz zubního kazu a nekariezních defektů, klasifikace Dr. Novotná
17.4.2018 Detekce zubního kazu Dr. Oganessian
24.4.2018 Rentgenologické zobrazovací metody Dr. Oganessian
15.5.2017 Iatrogenní příčiny zubního kazu, vliv dentálních výplňových materiálů
a technologií As. Bradna
22.5.2018 Nežádoucí vlivy orální hygieny na tvrdé zubní tkáně Prim. Houšová
29.5.2018 Kaz časného dětství, rampantní kaz, arestovaný kaz; Strategie léčby/ošetření kazu
Předmět je uzavřen klasifikovaným zápočtem (KZ). V dalších dvou týdnech se KZ uskuteční podle rozpisu termínů.
1. Cariology, structure of course, information resources ? Dental caries ? holistic concept of oral health impairment ? Cariology ? theoretical base of prevention, diagnostics and therapy of dental caries ? Individual and public aspects of dental caries ? Epidemiology of dental caries ? Survey of textbooks and electronic information resources ? Survey of e-learning tools
2. Physiology and microbiology of oral environment ? Ontogenesis and phylogenesis of oral environment ? Biologic and functional determinants of oral environment ? Oral cavity as an opened microbial ecosystem ? Dental caries as an impairment of the oral environment balance ? Iatrogenic influences in oral environment o Medicamentous o Topical (restorative and prosthetic care)
3. Histology and histogenesis of tooth ? Micromorphologic picture of dental hard tissues o Enamel o Dentin o Acquired pellicle ? Pathomorphology of developmental and acquired non-carious defects of dental hard tissues ? Development of deciduous and permanent dentition ? Concept of critical developmental period
4. Microbiology of dental caries ? Ontogenesis of oral microbial ecosystem ? Cariogenic microorganisms o Streptococcus mutans o Heterofermentative lactobacilli o Other oral microorganisms ? Dental caries as an infectious disease o Concept of the window of infectivity o Mechanisms of oral infection o Contributing factors
5. Histopathology of carious lesion, remineralisation and demineralisation ? Balance of re- and demineralisation on the enamel surface ? Physical-chemical aspect of the enamel mineral stability ? Mechanism of initial carious lesion ? Mechanisms of cavitation and carious lesion progression ? Histopathology of carious lesion o Enamel caries o Dentin caries o Cementum caries
6. Saliva and its function ? Physiology of big salivary glands ? Mixed saliva composition o Minerals o Proteins o Antimicrobials o Buffering capacity of saliva
7. Nutrition and dental caries ? Definitions: nutrition, foods, diet, food habits, eating habits ? Alimentary versus local influence of nutrition on dental hard tissues ? Nutrition and the development of dentition o Influence of nutrition in post eruptive period o Physical, mechanical and chemical properties of foods o Sweeteners, natural, replacement, artificial o Metabolic pathways of saccharides ? Food and eating habits ? Fluorides ? Theoretical base of nutrition counselling
8. Clinical picture of dental caries and non-carious defects, classification ? Non- carious defects of dental hard tissues ? Clinical picture of dental caries ? Classification of carious defects ? Black?s classification, classification by Mounte and Hume
9. Detection of dental caries ? Clinical and instrumental methods of caries detection o Visual o Visual + tactile o X-ray o Electro conductance o FOTI o Laser fluorescence ? Sensitivity and specificity of detection methods
10. X-ray imaging methods ? X-ray picture of carious lesion ? Radiovosiography ? Bitewings ? Digital subtraction and digital x-ray picture analysis ? X-ray protection of patient
11. Iatrogenic causes of dental caries, adverse effects of restorative materials and technologies ? Risk of iatrogenic damage in tactile detection of caries ? Risk of cavity preparation ? Influence of dental filling materials on dental hard tissues and dental pulp ? Adverse effects of oral hygiene on dental hard tissues ? Survey of oral hygienic means ? Techniques of tooth cleaning ? Dental abrasion, dental erosion o Dentinal hypersensitivity ? Tooth bleaching
13. Early childhood caries, rampant caries caries arrested caries ? Concept of early childhood caries o Clinical picture, mechanisms, strategy of prevention/care ? Rampant caries o Clinical picture, mechanisms, strategy of prevention/care ? Arrested caries o Clinical and x-ray picture, mechanisms ? Public health aspects of early childhood caries and rampant caries
14. Behavioural aspects of dental caries, assessment of dental caries activity ? Essential of oral health psychology ? beliefs, attitudes, behaviour o Oral health beliefs o Locus of oral health control o Auto regulation of behaviour o Self-efficacy to oral health ? Quality of life and oral health o Influence of oral health on the quality of life o Influence of oral health on physical, psychical and social efficacy ? Behavioural health education ? motivation to oral health o Psychodiagnostcs and psychotherapy in dental caries prevention ? Social aspects of oral health o Dental caries as a social phenomenon ? Assessment of the dental caries activity o Analysis of beliefs, attitudes, expectations and behaviour in decision making process on treatment/restorative care
15. Strategy of treatment/restorative dental caries care ? Risk analysis o Assessment of clinical picture o Familiar dental anamnesis o Individual dental anamnesis o Level of preventive knowledge and behaviour o Socio-economic status o Personal expectations and compliance ? Decision making process in treatment/restorative dental caries care ? Survey of options in dental caries treatment/restorative strategy ? Fluorides
Oral environment and its phylogenic and ontogenic development, hard and soft tissues as the microbiotop of oral microorganisms, dental plaque and its microbiological, biochemical and physico-chemical characteristics, nutrition as the transitory factor of oral environment, saliva and remineralization processes, dental materials as the component of oral environment, pathomorphology and pathophysiology of carious lesion, theories of the origin and progression of carious lesion, classification of carious lesions, fundamental principles of the treatment and restoration of carious lesions, literature and electronic information sources in cariology, problem based learning of the topics of lectures, clinical examination of the oral cavity and the quantification of risk factors, physical methods of the detection of carious lesions, laboratory tests of caries risk, pit and fissure sealants, fluorides. Complex view of cariogenic risks of oral environment; understanding the significance of the detection of initial carious lesion and its treatment.