\r\n1. Gnathological terminology - clinical importace
\r\n2. Temporomandibular joint - anatomy, histology, physiology, function
\r\n3. Temporomandibular joint - patology, disfunction
\r\n4. Articulators-types, function and usage
\r\n5. Intermaxillar relationship - registration, reconstruction,
1. Gnathological terminology - clinical importace
2. Temporomandibular joint - anatomy, histology, physiology, function
3. Temporomandibular joint - patology, disfunction
4. Articulators-types, function and usage
5. Intermaxillar relationship - registration, reconstruction,
The aim is to gain an overview of integrated relationship between morfology and function of teeth, jaws, TMJs, masticatory muscles, at health and disease. Teoretical knowledge and practical skills during examination and treatment of stomatognatic system, recommended differences between natural and artificial dentition.
Questions of complex treatment planning. TMJ disorders and treatment options.
Interjaw relation, occlusion and articulation.