Oral environment and its phylogenetic and ontogenetic development.
Hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity as the microbiotope of oral microorganism.
Plaque and its microbiological, biochemical and physical-chemical characteristics.
Food as transitory factor of oral environment.
Saliva and re-mineralization processes.
Dental materials as part of oral environment.
Pathomorphology and pathophysiology of the caries lesion.
Theory of oetiology and progression of the caries lesion, classification of caries lesions.
Basic principles of treatment and management of dental caries.
Work with cariological literature and electronic information resources for the subject of cariology.
Project Based Learning on the topics of the lectures.
Clinical examination of the oral cavity and quantification of risk factors.
Physical methods of detection of caries lesions, laboratory tests of caries risk, sealants, fluorides.
Complex view of hazards in the oral environment that lead to occurrence of caries lesions, understanding of the crucial importance of detection of initial caries lesions and their treatment.