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Gynekologie a porodnictví - prázdninová praxe

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OUTLINE  of the content of the summer clerkship practice in obstetrics and gynaecology The requirement of the practice is to fixate general principles acquired by the student in general surgery.  get acquainted with gynaecologic and  obstetric examinations, delivery department activities and duties, pathological pregnancy ward and and childbed ward,  carry out spontaneous deliveries under guidance of a responsible person as far as possible  observe and take occasionally part in a work at the post-operative ward, oncological ward and outpatient ward,  participate and occasionally  assist with minor and major OBGYN operations.  According to the programme the students take part in night duties under the guidance of responsible person.Procedures performed by the student during the clerkship should be confirmed by the responsible person in THE LIST OF PRACTICAL PROCEDURES. We certify that the student............................................................................................... passed her/his OBGYN summer clerkship at our department and that she/he fulfilled the necessary requirements in the period from ................................................... till ............................................ Name of the institute.................................................................................................................. Name of authorized person........................................................................................................

Official title................................................................................................................................ Date............................................................................................................................................

Signature and Seal......................................................................................................................


dvoutýdenní praxe, práce s pacientem, fyziologický porod,asistence při operacích a vyšetřeních.