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Physiology 1

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |


Medical Physiology, History of the Subject

Cellular Physiology, Cell Organelles

Cell Membranes

Membrane Transport

Ion Channels, Membrane Potentials and their Propagation

Signal Transduction

Receptors and Information Molecules

Cytoskeleton, Cell Junctions, Extracellular Matrix

Cell Cycle, Tussie Maintenance

Principles of Homeostasis, Blood, Plasma

Blood Cells, Hemopoiesis

Hemostasis and Blood Coagulation

Body Defence System

Respiration. Pulmonary Ventilation

Diffusion, Perfusion, Pulmonary Circulation

Gas Transport and Exchange

Regulation of Respiration, Respiration in Hypobaric and Hyperbaric Conditions

Circulation, Heart, Electrical Activity in the Heart

Cardiac Mechanics


Events of the Cardiac Cycle

Arterial System

Microcirculation and Exchange, Veins and Venous Return

Cardiovascular Control

Special Circulations

Principles of Biological Regulation

Physiology of the Digestive System, Motility

Secretory Functions

Digestion, Absorption

Metabolism, Minerals and Vitamins

Splanchnic Circulation, Functions of the Liver

Regulation of Food Intake

Function of the Skin

Temperature Regulation


The Physiology subject is read in winter and summer semesters. There are 37 lectures in winter semester and 42 lectures in summer semester. The lectures in the winter semester include physiology of the cell, general neurophysiology including physiology of muscles, blood, circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems. In the summer semester, regulation in which kidneys, the endocrine system and central nervous system take part are dealt with.

Practical labs is aimed at verification of theoretical knowledge and at training certain skills through investigation of some functions of the human organism and their regulatory mechanisms as well as through experiments on animals. Computer models and patient simulators complement the labs. There are 15 lab sessions in winter semester, each one lasting 4 teaching hours (60 teaching hours altogether) and 8 lab sessions in summer semester. The conditions for gaining the credits in either semester include active work in particular practical and a successful outcome of the revision tests.