Zimní semestr:
Czech sounds, alphabet, pronunciation
Greetings and basic social phrases and phrases used in the classroom
Personal pronouns and the verb být
Czech genders
Demonstrative pronoun ten
Numeral jeden
Adverbs of place
Questions co? kdo? kde?
Possesive pronouns
Present tense of Czech verbs
Verbs znát, vědět, umět
Accusative singular
Letní semestr:
Nominative and accusative plural
Cardinal numerals
Possesive pronoun svůj
Accusative of personal pronouns
Accusative plural masculenes
Questions kde? kam?
Indefinite and negative pronouns and adverbs
Adverbs ještě/ještě ne, už/už ne
Modal verbs
Vocative case
Likes and dislikes
Adverbs denoting quantity
Credits základní terminologie oboru Dentistry (anatomie zubu a ústní dutiny, nástroje)
The subject is the first step in aquiring necessary speaking skills in Czech when communicating with patients. The 1st-year course aims at gaining basic general Czech knowledge with the focus on essential medical vocabulary from the field of dentistry (e.g. tooth and oral cavity anatomy, dental instruments etc.).
No previous knowledge of Czech language is required.