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Histologie a embryologie 1

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week Lectures                       Teacher: Ass. Prof. MUDr. Jirsová, MUDr. Becke Practical lesson                                            Teacher:MUDr. Becke, A. Hermanová   Wednesday 10,30 – 12,00 Wednesday 13,00 – 16,15

1. Cell – morphological and functional unit of the organisms. Plasma membrane, membranous organelles – structure and function Uptake and processing of tissue samples for microscopic examination. Light microscope. Microscopy: T1

2. Non-membranous organelles. Cell inclusions. Cell nucleus. Cell cycle. Basic staining methods, histochemistry and immunohistochemistry. Microscopy: T1,2,3,4,5

3. Tissues – classification, general structure and function. Epithelial tissue – cell adhesion and intercellular junctions, cell surfaces modifications Epithelial tissue. Classification of epithelia, basic types – their structure and function. Microscopy: T1,2,4,5

4. Connective tissues. Extracellular matrix – ground substance and fibers. Types of the connective tissue and their function Connective tissue fibers and their staining. Loose and dense connective tissue, adipose tissue. Hyaline, and elastic cartilages. Microscopy: A1,4,5,6,8,10

5. Muscle tissue. Structure of skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscles. Myofibrils and myofilaments, contractile mechanism Lamellar compact and spongy bones. Intramembranous and endochondral ossification. Microscopy: A12,14,15,16

6. Nerve tissue. Neuron – structure and function. Synapses. Glial cells and their function. Nerve fibers and their sheaths Smooth, cardiac, and skeletal muscles. Types of neurons. Structure of the peripheral nerve. Microscopy: A17,18,20 and L2,3,4,8

7. Composition of the blood. Erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes. Hemopoiesis Preparation and evaluation of the blood smear. Microscopy of the peripheral blood smear. Morphology of the peripheral blood elements

8. Cardiovascular system. General structure of the blood vessels. Heart – structure of the wall. Lymphatic vascular system Aorta. Neurovascular bundle – muscular artery, vein, peripheral nerve. Inferior vena cava. Microscopy: F1,2,3,5,6

9. Immune system. Lymphoid organs. Mononuclear phagocyte system Lymph node, spleen, and thymus. Microscopy: G1,2,4

10. Endocrine system. Hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Structure and function of the endocrine glands Pituitary gland, thyroid, and adrenal glands. Islets of Langerhans. Microscopy: E1,2,4,5

11. Digestive system. General structure of the wall of the alimentary canal. Structural specialization of the tunica mucosa of stomach, small and large intestines Liver and pancreas. Microscopy of digestive system slides: B9,10,12,15,16,17,18

12. Respiratory system. Tunica mucosa of the respiratory ways. Lung – structure, respiratory portion, air-blood barrier Larynx, trachea, lung. Microscopy: D1,2,3,4

13. Urinary system. Structure and function of the kidney Urinary passages. Microscopy: U1,3,4

14. Male genital system. Testis, spermatogenesis Excretory genital ducts, accessory genital glands. Microscopy: C6,7,10

15. Female genital system. Ovary, follicle development. Uterus, cyclic changes of the endometrium during menstrual cycle Microscopy of the ovary, uterine tube, uterus, and vagina: C11,13,14,16 Credits