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Basic and Clinical Endocrinology

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Thyroid gland diseases (hyper- and hypothyroidism, multinodular goitre, carcinoma of the thyroid, MEN syndromes), disorders of the calcium-phosphate metabolism, such as hyper- and hypocalcemia, conneceted bone diseases, such as Paget´s disease, osteogenesis imperfecta, osteoporosis, osteomalacia. Hypothalamic - pituitary impairment - diabetes incipidus, tumours of the hypophysis - prolactinoma, GH secreting tumours, acromegaly, Cushing’s syndrome and disease, Addison’s disease. Steroids and neurosteroids - mode of action and clinical disorders. Gonadal dysfunction. Melatonin and its clinical implications.

Case reports discussions and opportunity to examine patients as well as to discuss with them  present and past illnesses.


The course of Basic and Clinical Endocrinology deals with the major endocrinopathies. For all endorcine disorders a matter of interest will be definition of the disorders, reason for their occurrence and incidence, clinical features, defferential diagnosis, treatment.