- litiáza obecně, druhy konkrementů, jejich vznik a možnosti léčby (obecně)
- diagnostika urolitiázy
- endoskopie
- otevřená operativa a laparoskopie
- metafylaxe/prevence
- introduction to urology
- lithiasis - theories of stone formation, kinds of concrements, possibilities of treatment
- diagnostic evaluation
- endoscopy
- open surgical procedures and laparoscopy
- metaphylaxy/prevention
- introduction to urology - lithiasis - theories of stone formation, kinds of concrements, possibilities of treatment - diagnostic evaluation - ESWL - endoscopy - open surgical procedures and laparoscopy - metaphylaxy/prevention
Obligatory facultative bisemestral course designated for the students of 4th year, at least 5 students, most 8.