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Differential Diagnostics of Brain Injuries

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Management in the acute stage of brain injuries, interdisciplinar cooperation. Indication of hospitalization.

Classification of traumatic brain injury. Primary and secondary injury, focal and diffuse injury.

Frontobasal injury. Commotion and mild brain injury.

Contusion. Diffuse axonal injury and its diagnostics.

Neurological examination in unconscious patient. Topical diagnosis in comatose state, syndromes caused by damage of the different brainstem parts.

Diagnostic procedures in the acute stage: EEG, evoked potentials, cerebrospinal fluid examination. Imaging methods.

Neurosurgical approach to the traumatic brain injury, indication of operation. Sequels to the severe brain injury, cerebral death.


Basic clinical course of traumatic head and brain injury from the neurological point of view. The course presents neurological manifestations of different traumatic brain injury types, management, complementary diagnostic examinations, differential diagnostics and treatment of acute brain injury.