Etiologická agens, epidemiologické charakteristiky, diferenciálně diagnostické znaky, protiepidemická opatření. Samostatné řešení situace na praktickém příkladu lokální epidemie paratyfu.
9. Neuroinfekce - bakteriální a virové
\r\nObecná charakteristika a epidemiologický význam. Encefalitidy a meningitidy. Virové, non-virové, pomalé neuroinfekce, para a postinfekční, neznámá etiologie.
10. Aktuální epidemiologická situace v ČR
Přehled aktuálního výskytu infekčních onemocnění v ČR
11. Zápočtový test
Hodnocení získaných znalostí studentů. Konzultace, zápočty.
Epidemiologic aspects of evaluation of health status
\r\nMethods of evaluation of health status, explanation of terminology used, basic characteristics of population studies, measures of disease frequency and association
Information systems of infectious diseases
Principles of passive and active immunization
Strategy of active and passive immunization in Czech Republic and new valid vaccination
\r\nschedule. Contraindications and complications of vaccination.
Viral Hepatitis
\r\nEpidemiological features, diagnostics, preventive and epidemic measures, occurrence.
\r\nInfectious agents, epdiemiological characteristics and differences of viral hepatitis A, B, C,
\r\nD, E. Differential diagnostics of viral hepatitis.
Acute respiratory illnes
\r\nCharacteristics of acute respiratory illnesses of viral and mycoplasmal etiology,
\r\nepidemiology of influenza, Reye´s syndrome, bird´s influenza, vaccination strategy.
Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS
\r\nHistory, description and case definition, epidemiological features of HIV/AIDS infection,
\r\noccurrence in Czech Republic and worldwide, trends and perspectives of therapy and
Epidemiologic aspects of evaluation of health status
Methods of evaluation of health status, explanation of terminology used, basic characteristics of population studies, measures of disease frequency and association
Information systems of infectious diseases
Principles of passive and active immunization
Strategy of active and passive immunization in Czech Republic and new valid vaccination schedule. Contraindications and complications of vaccination.
Viral Hepatitis
Epidemiological features, diagnostics, preventive and epidemic measures, occurrence.
Infectious agents, epdiemiological characteristics and differences of viral hepatitis A, B, C,
D, E. Differential diagnostics of viral hepatitis.
Acute respiratory illnes
Characteristics of acute respiratory illnesses of viral and mycoplasmal etiology, epidemiology of influenza, Reye´s syndrome, bird´s influenza, vaccination strategy.
Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS
History, description and case definition, epidemiological features of HIV/AIDS infection, occurrence in Czech Republic and worldwide, trends and perspectives of therapy and control.
The subject is taught in bachelor?s study programme Specialisation in Health Care, subject Dental Hygienist in the 3rd year of study. Introductory to the subject epidemiology, IT in epidemiology, principles of passive and active immunization.