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Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


- Molecuar biology, cell biology: Nucleic acids, structure, types and function, gene structure, genetic code, properties of genetic code, replication, transcription, translation. Cell and cell structure, cell cycle, morphology and chromosome ultrastructure and function, cell division: mitosis, meiosis, spermiogenesis, oogenesis, fertilisation, abnormalities of division and fertilisation.

- General genetics, basis of clinical genetics: basic genetic expressions, Mendel´s principles, gene linkage, heredity of genetic diseases, monogenic and polygenic autosomal and gonosomal heredity, polygenic heredity, examples of hereditary diseases, risks of hereditary diseases, calculations of risks. Immunogenetics: heredity of blood groups, HLA antigens, genetic determination of antibodies formation.

- Genotoxicology: Mutagenesis: types of mutations and mutations consequences, physical, chemical and biological mutagens. Carcinogenesis: cell cycle regulation, protooncogens, tumor suppressor genes-its role and concequences of mutations in this genes, chromosomal changes in tumors, carcinogens, relations between mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. Teratogenesis: mechanisms of origin of fetal malformations, teratogens.

- Population genetics: Hardy-Weinberg law, conditions for H.-W. equilibrium and its use in clinical genetics, factors disturbing H.-W. equilibrium.

- Clinical cytogenetics: inborn chromosomal abnormalities numerical and structural, causes of chromosomal abnormalities origin, consequences of chromosomal abnormalities, indications for prenatal and postnatal chromosomal examinations, examples of the most frequent chromosomal abnormalities.

- Genetic counselling, preconceptional and prenatal care, genealogy, cytogenetic and molecular genetic methods, prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis - methods, indications, ethic problems in genetics.

- Ecology: basic ecological problems, influence of environmental factors on human health.


Subject "Biology" is a part of bachelor´s study "Specialisation in Health care - Dental hygienist" in the 1st year. This study give the basic knowledge of molecular and cell biology, general and clinical genetics.