P1 Mytí rukou. Oblékání chirurgických plášťů a rukavic. Příprava operačního pole. Nácvik chirurgického uzlení v ruce - jednoduchý uzel.
P2 Chirurgické nástroje, druhy šicího materiálu, nácvik kožní sutury (jednotlivé, intradermální navlékané stehy), chirurgické uzlení v ruce - dvojitý uzel.
P3 Nácvik atraumatické kožní sutury (jednotlivé, intradermální stehy), sutura šlach, chirurgické uzlení v ruce – jednoduché a dvojité uzly.
P4 Základy osteosyntézy, instrumentarium (pilka, vrtačka, dlahy, šrouby).
P5 Základy kožních transplantací, instrumentarium (odběry kůže, MESH), základy mikrochirurgie (lupové brýle, mikroskop)
P6 Ambulance, úrazový sál, operační sály, oddělení: převazy, asistování při operacích, chod sálu a ambulance
P7 Ambulance, úrazový sál, operační sály, oddělení: převazy, asistování při operacích, chod sálu a ambulance
P8 Ambulance, úrazový sál, operační sály, oddělení: převazy, asistování při operacích, chod sálu a ambulance
","inLanguage":"cs"},{"@type":"Syllabus","text":"\r\nAll students must come prepared in all white hospital scrubs and hospital shoes to be prepared for contact with patients. ALL STUDENTS WHO DO NOT RESPECT THIS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO TAKE PART IN THE PRACTICE.
\r\nIntroduction, history of surgery, surgical branches and specializations. Examination of the patient in surgery (anamnesis, physical examination, laboratory examinations, basic imaging methods). Examples of case studies.
\r\nThe basics of medical records in surgery, including legal aspects.
\r\nBasic terms, terminology in surgery (incision, excision, extirpation, puncture, excochleation, reduction, etc). Common surgical nosological aspects (tumors, cysts, ulcers, sinuses, fistulas, necrosis, gangrene - (pathophysiology, anatomical sites of occurrence in the body and methods of treatment), concurrent diseases and problems (metabolic, cardiovascular, ventilatory, psychological and psychiatric), specific aspects (childhood, old age).
\r\nSurgical medical devices - basic instruments, devices (coagulation, suction, turnstile, magnifying glasses, loops, microscope). Types of suture materials. Types of dressings and dressing materials. Drug application: injections- distribution and methods of application, infusion, instillation, infiltration, and more (oral intake, patches, gel, cream, ointment, eye and ear drops).
\r\nTypes of wounds and their properties, wound healing (per primam intentionem, per secundam intentionem). Basics of wound coverage. Bleeding internal, external, physiological and surgical hemostasis. Transfusion. Indications, application principles, complications.
\r\nOperating room management, operating group, operating protocol. Asepsis, antisepsis, means and types of sterilization and disinfection. Preoperative preparation of the patient (local, general), including the actual operating field. Local and general postoperative treatment, postoperative complications-division, prevention, diagnosis, basics of therapy.
\r\nInflammation and infection in surgery (early, local, systemic, general, phlegmon, abscess, furuncle, carbuncle, sepsis, anaerobic infection), tetanus prevention, nosocomial infections. Drainage methods in surgery, principles, indications. Punctures, types, method of execution, indications.
\r\nTypes of anesthesia (general, local and regional anesthesia).
\r\nNutrition and dietetics in surgery. Infusion therapy in surgery. Cannulation of the vascular system (peripheral venous system, central venous system, arterial system. Catheterization. Rehabilitation in surgery.
\r\nAll students must come prepared in all white hospital scrubs and hospital shoes to be prepared for contact with patients. ALL STUDENTS WHO DO NOT RESPECT THIS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO TAKE PART IN THE PRACTICE.
\r\nP1 Scrubbing in. Surgical gowns and gloves, how to prepare. Preparation of the operating field. Training of surgical knotting with the hand - a simple knot.
\r\nP2 Surgical instruments, types of suture materials, practicing skin sutures (single and intradermal sutures), surgical knotting with the hand - double knot.
\r\nP3 Removal of atraumatic skin suture (single, intradermal sutures), tendon suture, surgical knotting of the hand - single and double knots.
\r\nP4 Basics of osteosynthesis, instruments (saw, drill, plates, screws).
\r\nP5 Basics of skin transplants, instruments (skin sampling, MESH), basics of microsurgery (magnifying glasses, microscope)
\r\nP6 Outpatient, Trauma ward, operating rooms, departments: dressings, assistance in operations and outpatient
\r\nP7 Outpatient, Trauma ward, operating rooms, departments: dressings, assistance in operations and outpatient
\r\nP8 Outpatient, Trauma ward, operating rooms, departments: bandages, assistance in operations and outpatient
All students must come prepared in all white hospital scrubs and hospital shoes to be prepared for contact with patients. ALL STUDENTS WHO DO NOT RESPECT THIS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO TAKE PART IN THE PRACTICE.
Introduction, history of surgery, surgical branches and specializations. Examination of the patient in surgery (anamnesis, physical examination, laboratory examinations, basic imaging methods). Examples of case studies.
The basics of medical records in surgery, including legal aspects.
Basic terms, terminology in surgery (incision, excision, extirpation, puncture, excochleation, reduction, etc). Common surgical nosological aspects (tumors, cysts, ulcers, sinuses, fistulas, necrosis, gangrene - (pathophysiology, anatomical sites of occurrence in the body and methods of treatment), concurrent diseases and problems (metabolic, cardiovascular, ventilatory, psychological and psychiatric), specific aspects (childhood, old age).
Surgical medical devices - basic instruments, devices (coagulation, suction, turnstile, magnifying glasses, loops, microscope). Types of suture materials. Types of dressings and dressing materials. Drug application: injections- distribution and methods of application, infusion, instillation, infiltration, and more (oral intake, patches, gel, cream, ointment, eye and ear drops).
Types of wounds and their properties, wound healing (per primam intentionem, per secundam intentionem). Basics of wound coverage. Bleeding internal, external, physiological and surgical hemostasis. Transfusion. Indications, application principles, complications.
Operating room management, operating group, operating protocol. Asepsis, antisepsis, means and types of sterilization and disinfection. Preoperative preparation of the patient (local, general), including the actual operating field. Local and general postoperative treatment, postoperative complications-division, prevention, diagnosis, basics of therapy.
Inflammation and infection in surgery (early, local, systemic, general, phlegmon, abscess, furuncle, carbuncle, sepsis, anaerobic infection), tetanus prevention, nosocomial infections. Drainage methods in surgery, principles, indications. Punctures, types, method of execution, indications.
Types of anesthesia (general, local and regional anesthesia).
Nutrition and dietetics in surgery. Infusion therapy in surgery. Cannulation of the vascular system (peripheral venous system, central venous system, arterial system. Catheterization. Rehabilitation in surgery.
All students must come prepared in all white hospital scrubs and hospital shoes to be prepared for contact with patients. ALL STUDENTS WHO DO NOT RESPECT THIS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO TAKE PART IN THE PRACTICE.
P1 Scrubbing in. Surgical gowns and gloves, how to prepare. Preparation of the operating field. Training of surgical knotting with the hand - a simple knot.
P2 Surgical instruments, types of suture materials, practicing skin sutures (single and intradermal sutures), surgical knotting with the hand - double knot.
P3 Removal of atraumatic skin suture (single, intradermal sutures), tendon suture, surgical knotting of the hand - single and double knots.
P4 Basics of osteosynthesis, instruments (saw, drill, plates, screws).
P5 Basics of skin transplants, instruments (skin sampling, MESH), basics of microsurgery (magnifying glasses, microscope)
P6 Outpatient, Trauma ward, operating rooms, departments: dressings, assistance in operations and outpatient
P7 Outpatient, Trauma ward, operating rooms, departments: dressings, assistance in operations and outpatient
P8 Outpatient, Trauma ward, operating rooms, departments: bandages, assistance in operations and outpatient
Propedeutics in surgery introduces elementary theoretical and practical aspects of surgery.