Medical Czech:
Human Body, Internal Organs
Satges of Life
Illness, Disease symptoms of Diseases
Diseases and Coimplaints
Aches and Pains
Injuries, Accidents
Instructions for the Patient
Examination of the Patient
A day in Hospital
Health Condition
Instruments an Aids
Medical Centres
Doctor´s Office
Medical Staff
Nominativ/accisative sg.
Instrumental singuláru
Verbs with accusative, dative, instrumental
Passive irregular Verbs
Adjectives and Nouns in Accusative
Declension of pronouns: kdo, co, někdo, něco, nikdo, nic
Comparison of adjectives and adverbs
Imperfective and perfective verbs
Future of imp. verbs
IF clauses
Prepositions nad, pod, před, za, mezi
Vocabulary and Conversation:
Personal information
People, family members, family relations
Place where I live
Food and nutrition
In a restaurant
How do we look like?
A course aimed at improving the language skills of foreign students in order to prepare them for communication with Czech patients, so that students gradually acquire: a) the basics of grammar (especially the most commonly used grammatical phenomena; grammar is always taught in direct relation to the practical use of the language) b) vocabulary necessary for everyday communication in Czech c) specific vocabulary needed for basic communication with the Czech patients in hospital