Complete neurological examination.
Neurological history-taking. Conscious level assessment, orientation. Speech and language disorders.
Cranial nerve disorders.
Limb weakness: upper and lower motor neuron lesion, mixed lesion, characteristic features.
Topical diagnosis in upper and lower motor neuron lesions.
Tendon reflexes, cutaneous superficial reflexes. Pathological reflexes - pyramidal and primitive reflexes.
Topical diagnosis in sensory impairment.
Meningeal syndrome, symptoms and signs.
Cerebellar syndromes, cerebellar dysfunction - symptoms and signs.
Examination of vertebral column. Radicular syndromes, symptoms and signs. Disorders of vertebral column.
The course presents the basic knowledge of neurology required for the practice and teaches students techniques of the neurological examination. It provides the first principles of neurology ? neurological manifestations of some structural and functional disorders, and teaches the basic neurological diagnostics.