COURSE SYLLABUS: Summer Term Third declension (B type) adjectives (revision). Combining all types of nouns with an adjective.
Prepositional phrases. Comparison of adjectives (comparative and superlative degree).
Irregular comparison of adjectives. Defective and periphrastic comparison.
Adverbs (a brief survey). Latin numerals. Declension of unus, duo, tres Greek numerals.
Medical abbreviations. Medical prescriptions.
Names of drugs. Latin and Greek prefixes and suffixes.
Combining forms. English equivalents.
Dividing MT into component parts. Greek and Latin vocabulary understanding.
Identification of an expression within the grammatical system. Practical use of Latin/Greek terms. Compounds (noun + noun; noun + adjective; noun + verb; adverb + verb; numeral + noun; multiplied compounds; hybrids). Derivatives.
English derivation of a medical term on the basis of Latin. Revision of grammar and vocabulary.
Linguistic analysis of a complex medical termS into morphological components; selecting meaningful units; creating medical concepts. MT practice.
The course is designed as an introduction into the language of medicine, showing the origins of the medical terms, its language analysis and grammatical structures (Latin as well as Greek). Such an understanding of the specialised terminology is essential for its correct lexical and grammatical usage.