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Theory of Nursing II.

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


1. History of nursing. Professional development of Nursing.

2. National as well international nursing organizations.

3. Legislation related to nursing education.

4. Legislation related to nursing practice.

5. Role of a nurse. Caring as a fundamental feature of a nursing profession.


The subjcet introduces a topic of professional practice in Nursing in the Czech Republic and European context. It focus on a scope of practice, position of national and international nursing associations, legal aspocts of nursing education and practice.

Předmět se seznamuje studenty s problematikou profesionální praxe v oblasti ošetřovatelství v České republice a v evropském kontextu. Zabývá se rozsahem ošetřovatelské praxe (scope of practice), rolí národních a mezinárodních sesterských organizací, legislativou upravující činnost sester a jejich vzdělávání.