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General Hygiene

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Water - sources, drinking watr facilities. Water contamination and health risks.Sanation. Special demands on water for infants. Packed waters, mineral waters.

Soil, health risks, wastes, waste waters.

Air pollution, indicators, monitoring, halth risks, prevention.

Occupational hygiene, microclimatic conditions,

Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

Built environment, living condition and adverse health effects. Health care facilities.

Monitoring of exposure to toxic and genotoxic environmental factors.


General hygiena is teached in the second year of the bachelor´s study programof public health. It includes the basic fysical and chemical environmental factors (both general and occupational environment) and their adverse health effects, legislation and the possibilities of prevention.

Pollution of outdoor and indoor air, sick building syndrome, drinking and bathing water, waste water, wastes, radiation