1. Basic sociological concepts - social group, socialization, social role, culture, society, konformism, norm, anomie, etc.
2. Social deviation and social pathology
3. Sick role, physician role, nurse role. Social meaning of a disease.Medicalization of modern life. Health, disease and society.
4. Cultural and macrosocial aspects of health and disease.
5. Social and cultural capital and how it affects health
6. Psychology for health care workers, classification of psychological disciplines, mind - its dimensions, forms and development, different approaches to mind.
7. Overview of main psychological systems. Determination of human mind, development of human mind, fylogenesis and ontogenesis.
8. Kognitive processes, emotional processes, will, motivation, needs, values and interests- norms and pathology.
9. Conflicts in interpersonal relations, their causes, copying strategies and solutions. Prevention of conflicts. Frustration and deprivation.
10. Organism, person, personality. Structure and dynamics of personality -norms and pathology, genesis of personality, typology in psychology.
11. Man, personality, group, society. Social influences on human mind. Interactions, sociability, cooperation, communication.
12. Health and disease from psychological perspective, how it developed. Psychology of health and disease, patogenetic vs. salutogenetic model of health and disease.
13. Essence and main principles of psychotherapy. Different schools, approaches and means in treating sick people.
14. Social perception, main mistakes in lay assessment of people, stereotypes, concept of social support in psychology and medicine.
15. Risk and protective factors, stable and instable factors from the view of protection and promotiomn of health in relation to infectious and non-infectious diseases.
16. Life style, main dimensions; knowledge, attitudes, behavior.
17. Etiological monocausality vs. multicausality. Basic principles of psychosomatics, behavioral medicine and health psychology.
The subject is taught at the 2nd year of the baccalaureate programme Public health. A basic course of applied sociology and psychology.
Fundamentals of social studie with special attention to sociology and psychology. Main development phases of the mentioned disciplines, application of sociology ans psychology knowledge to health maintanence and promotion.