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Physiotherapy III. - Applied

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |



The role of physical condition exercises in orthopaedics

- Different kinds of orthopaedic aids and its use in practice

- Training of gait

- Physiotherapy and total endoprothesis of the hip

- Physiotherappy and total endoprothesis of the knee

- Physiotherapy and operation of the shoulder

- Physiotherapy and fractures of the upper part of femur

- Physiotherapy and injury of the knee

- Physiotherapy and congenital defects of the hip

- Physiotherapy and congenital defects of the spine

- Physiotherapy and fractures of the spine

* Psychiatry:

- Rehabilitation in psychiatry

- Documentation in psychiatry

- Individual and group therapy

- Examination of patients with mental disorders

- Physiotherapy and neurotics

- Physiotherapy and psychotics

- Physiotherapy nd psychotics

- Artetherapy, theatrotherapy

- Sport in rehabilitation of mental disorders

- Hippotherapy

* Traumatology and surgery:

- Physiotherapy in early postoperative stage

- Physiotherapy and soft tissue injuries

- Physiotherapy and sport injuries

- Physiotherapy and abdominal surgery

- Physiotherapy and chest surgery

- Physiotherapy and vascular surgery

- Physiotherapy and surgery of urogenital system

- Physiotherapy and head and brain surgery

- Physiotherapy and spine and spinal cord surgery

- Physiotherapy and transplantation

* Neurology:

- Physiotherapy and stroke

- Physiotherapy and lesions of peripheral nerves

- Physiotherapy and parkinson and choreo-athetotic syndroms

- Physiotherapy and celleberal syndrom

- Physiotherapy and spinal ataxia

- Physiotherapy and spinal cord lesions

- Physiotherapy and multiple sclerosis

- Physiotherapy and muscular dystrophy

- Physiotherapy and postpolio syndrom

- Physiotherapy and back pain

* Internal medicine:

- Diagnostics of cardiacs

- Functional classification of cardiacs

- Physiotherapy and heart-attack.

- Physiotherapy and ischemia of lower extremities

- Physiotherapy and respiratory disorders

- Physiotherapy and diabetes mellitus

- Physiotherapy in cardiosurgery

* Gynaecology and obstetrics:

- Physiotherapy in gynaecological surgery

- Physiotherapy in pregnancy and after delivery

- Physiotherapy and conservative therapy of incontinence, adnexitis and dysmenorhea

- Physiotherapy and sexual and urological problems of patients with spinal cord lesions

- Alexander method

- Mojžíšová method

* Rheumatology:

- Physiotherapy and inflammatory joint disorders

- Physiotherapy and m. Bechtěrev (ankylotic spondylarthritis)

- Physiotherapy and degenerative joint disorders

* Paediatrics:

- Ontogenetic development in diagnostics and therapy of movement disorders

- Physiotherapy and disorders of psychomotor development in newborns at a risk

- Physiotherapy and CNS lesions ( cerebral palsy and its forms, torticollis)

- Physiotherapy and disorders of peripheral nerve system

- Physiotherapy and postinjury conditions

- Physiotherapy and defects o the spine

- FPhysiotherapy and congenital defects

- Reflex locomotion according to Vojta, Bobath concept, Klapp and Schrott method, sensorymotor stimulation, ball gymnastics

* Burns:

- Physiotherapy and burn trauma

- Physiotherapy and hand and face trauma

- Physiotherapy and trauma of the chest and extermities

- Positionig, prevention of retraction of soft tissues, prevention of contractures

- Rehabilitation aids

* Plastic surgery:

- Physiotherapy and plastic surgery of the hand

- Physiotherapy and microsurgery

- Physiotherapy and carpal tunnel syndrom

- Physiotherapy and Dupuytrene contracture

- Physiotherapy and abdominal and chest plastic surgery

- Splints and positioning

* Acute care:

- Use of developmental kinesiology in acute care

- Reflex stimulation of diaphragma in acute care

- Types of auxiliary ventilation and physiotherapy

- The effect of reflex stimulation on different kinds of auxiliary ventilaton

- Reflex stimulation, state of consciousness and cooperation of the patient

- Passive and active kinesitherapy,mobilisation and soft tissue techiques in acute care

- Use of the prone position, splints and ortheses in spinal injuries

- Traumatology in acute care from the point of view of physiotherapy

- Hospitalism of patients

- Emphatic approach as integral part of physiotherapy

* Geriatrics and gerontology:

- History, definition of the terms, quality of aging

- Aging from the biological point of view

- Specific conditions of the old age and in geriatrics

- Psychic specificities of the old age

- Psychological aspects of physiotherapy in geriatrics

- Myoskeletal disorders in the old age and physiotherapy

- Principles of exercise regime for senior patients

- Fitness programme for seniors

- Kinsesitherapy/physiotherapy and imobile patient



Physiotherapy IV and V - clinical practice

Physiotherapy at different diagnoses in neurology, orthopaedics, traumatology, surgery, burns medicine, plastic surgery, rheumatology, internal medicine, psychiatry, paediatrics, gynaecology and obstetrics, intensive care medicine and geriatrics.