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IIA - Microbiology

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


1. Introduction Basic Principles of Medical Microbiology

2. Bacterial Classification

3. Bacterial Morphology and Cell Wall Structure and Synthesis

4. Bacterial Metabolism and Growth

5. Bacterial Genetics

6. Viral Classification, Structure, and Replication

7. Fungal Classification, Structure, and Replication

8. Parasitic Classification, Structure, and Replication

9. Commensal and Pathogenic Microbial Flora in Humans

10. Sterilization, Disinfection, and Antisepsis Basic Concepts in the Immune Response

11. Elements of Host Protective Responses

12. The Humoral Immune Response

13. Cellular Immune Responses

14. Immune Responses to Infectious Agents

15. Antimicrobial Vaccines General Principles of Laboratory Diagnosis

16. Microscopic Principles and Applications

17. Molecular Diagnosis

18. Serologic Diagnosis Bacteriology

19. Mechanisms of Bacterial Pathogenesis

20. Antibacterial Agents 2l. Laboratory Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases

22. Staphylococcus and Related Organisms

23. Streptococcus

24. Enterococcus and Other Gram-Positive Cocci

25. Bacillus

26. Listeria and Erysipelothrix

27. Corynebacterium and Other Gram-Positive Bacilli

28. Nocardia and Related Organisms

29. Mycobacterium

30. Neisseria and Related Organisms

31. Enterobacteriaceae

32. Vibrio and Aeromonas

33. Campylobacter, and Helicobacter

34. Pseudomonas and Related Organisms

35. Haemophilus and Related Bacteria

36. Bordetella

37. Francisella and Brucella

38. Legionella

39. Miscellaneous Gram-Negative Rods

40. Anaerobic, Spore-Forming Gram-Positive Bacteria

41. Anaerobic, Non-Spore-Forming Gram-Positive Bacteria

42. Anaerobic Gram-Negative Bacteria

43. Treponema, Borrelia, and Leptospira

44. Mycoplasma, and Ureaplasma

45. Rickettsia and Orientia

46. Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, and Coxiella

47. Chlamydiaceae

48. Role of Bacteria in Disease (jump to chapter

69) Virology

49. Mechanisms of Viral Pathogenesis

50. Antiviral Agents

51. Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral Diseases

52. Papillomaviruses, and Polyomaviruses

53. Adenoviruses

54. Human Herpesviruses

55. Poxviruses

56. Parvoviruses

57. Picornaviruses

58. Coronaviruses, and Noraviruses

59. Paramyxoviruses

60. Orthomyxoviruses

61. Rhabdoviruses Filoviruses, and Bornaviruses

62. Reoviruses

63. Togaviruses and Flaviviruses

64. Bunyaviruses and Arenaviruses

65. Retroviruses

66. Hepatitis viruses

67. Unconvential Slow viruses: Prions

68. Role of viruses in Disease (jump to chapter

79) Mycology

69. Pathogenesis of Fungal Pathogenesis

70. Antifungal Agents

71. Laboratory Diagnosis of Fungal Diseases

72. Superficial and Cutaneous Mycoses

73. Subcutaneous Mycoses

74. Systemic Mycoses Caused by Endemic Dimorphic Fungal Pathogens

75. Opportunistic Mycoses

76. Fungal and Fungal-like Infections of Unusual and Uncertain Etiology

77. Mycotoxicoses

78. Role of Fungi in Disease Parasitology

79. Pathogenesis of Parasitic Disease

80. Antiparasitic Agents

81. Laboratory Diagnosis of Parasitic Disease

82. Intestinal and Urogenital Protozoa

83. Blood and Tissue Protozoa

84. Nematodes

85. Trematodes

86. Cestodes

87. Arthropod

88. Role of Parasites in Disease


Component of module IIA. Medical microbiology deals with microorganisms and their effects on human health.

The informations for students are available on