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Microscopy and histology techniques in health and disease

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


(see "COURSE SUMMARY" in "Files/Soubory")

- Stereomicroscopy: Dissecting/operation/surgical microscopes - Modulation-contrast microscopy: Sperm injection into oocytes (in vitro fertilization) - Phase-contrast microscopy: Detection of cancer, emphysematosis and abnormal erythrocytes - Digital micrographs: Smartphone-to-microscope adaptors, automatic detection of bacteria - The 'lost' art of histologic illustrations - Retinal Müller glia cells as light guides, luminescent proteins in medicine - Virtual tour of Oxford and Cambridge: The discovery of the synapse

- Excursion to Purkyně's exposition

Some classes (practical demonstrations) will be held at the Academy of Sciences (½ hour later than at 3LF if students prefer so):


Thus far, histology has bored countless generations of students. This course aims to counter that by highlighting microscopy and histology techniques useful in physiology, experimental medicine on animal models, and clinical practice.

After the 1st (introductory) lecture, every student is free to de-register ("run away") from the course.