1. HYGIENE: disposal bins, washing hands, surgical washing, putting on/ off gloves, putting on surgical gloves, putting on surgical dressing
2. OPERATION TOPICS: OR etiquette, assisting in an OR, types of surgical preparation Discuss types of disinfection. Discuss other preop patient preparation
3. WOUND CARE and BANDAGING: Types of bandaging (spiral, reverse spiral etc) - based on location, type of injury etc. what types of disinfection on what types of wound, iodine, peroxide etc.
4. INJECTION: subcutaneous, intramuscular, preparation of medicaments (local anesthesia)
5. BLOOD TAKING: capillary (e.g. diabetes), venous
6. IV CATHETERIZATION - taking care of catheter (how long keep, when to change etc.)
7. URINARY Catheterization
8. INSERTION OF GASTRIC TUBE + VENTILATION patient care (removing mucous) Two practices at the hospital - Internal departments, surgery ambulance, operating theatre and in simulation room - CPR, intubation, ventilation.
Cílem kurzu je procvičit si potřebné preklinické dovednosti potřebné k plnění klinických praxí, posílit schopnost aktivního zapojení v péči o pacienty, nejenom být pozorovatelem.