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Hygiene, Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine IV.

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Elemental requirements for the intake of nutrients. Principles of healthy nutrition.

Proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, mineral elements and vitamins in nutrition. Characteristics and division, needs, sources, excess and deficiency risks. Principles of healthy nutrition, nutritional recommendations. Fluid intake.  

Alimentary infections and intoxications and their prevention

Alimentary infections and intoxications of microbial origin (salmonellosis, shigellosis, campylobacteriosis and other bacterial alimentary infections - epidemiology, prevention; parasitic infections; viral infections; transmissible spongiform encephalopathy; alimentary intoxications).  

Nutritional toxicology I

Saprophytic microflora. Microflora of digestive system.  

Nutritional toxicology II

Toxic (contaminating) substances in food. Health risks, prevention. Biotransformation and interaction of toxic substances in organism. Health risks arising from substances generated during production, storage or food preparation of food stuff, prevention. Mushrooms intoxications.  

Nutrition of selected population groups

Nutrition of pregnant and breast-feeding women. Nutrition of seniors, changes of nutritional status in the elderly.  

Alternative nutrition

Characteristics of main alternative types of nutrition, their possible health advances and risks.   

Legislation in nutritional hygiene

Basic regulations, state health supervision in catering services, practical examples.  

Assessment and Evaluation of nutritional status, evaluation of nutritional consumption

Anthropometric, biochemical, haematological and other methods of nutritional status assessment, interpretation of results, methods of nutritional consumption evaluation.  

Practice of exercise prescription in primary and secondary prevention

Prescription in primary prevention. Principles of approaches to selection of physical activity, basic parameters in prescription - intensity, duration, frequency. Motivation,  adherence.

Modern concept of physical activity for health. Prescription of physical activity in secondary prevention of selected diseases, unusualness in prescription, contraindication to perform particular sport activities.  

Adaptation of organism to training

Morbidity and mortality and the influence of regular physical activity. Effects on cardiovascular system, skeletal muscle, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, anthropometric parameters.  

Physiology of response to acute bout of exercise  

Energetic sources for physical work. Aerobic and anaerobic energy expenditure. Oxygen consumption during a physical work. Maximal oxygen requirements and anaerobic threshold. Cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic respond on physical work.  

Stress tests    

Indication, contraindication. Types of loads. Laboratory tests, terrain tests. Dynamic stress tests: sources of load, load units. Laboratory equipment, safety measures. Evaluation of stress test. Practical performance of stress test.  

Patient’s examination in primary and secondary prevention focused on follow-up prescription of physical activity  

Muscle dysbalance

Muscle dysbalance connected with vertebrogenic difficulties. Examination of individual muscle groups. Therapeutic measures, methods of stretching.  


Problems of doping in sport. Organization of antidoping control. List of doping substances. Supportive substances in sport.  

Nutrition in sports and physical strain

Nutritional metabolisms during physical exercise. Recommended food composition. Nutrition before, during and after physical exercise.  

Basic physical, mental, social and psychic needs of children and adolescents 

Maslow hierarchy of human needs, deprivation and its symptoms, long-term consequences of psychic and emotional deprivation in children and adolescents.  

Developmental characteristics in preschool and school children

Common characteristics of development; physical, functional, psychomotorical, psychosocial development, characteristics of preschool, school and adolescent maturing.  

Assessment of growth and development of children and adolescents

Factors influencing child growth, anthropological research in the Czech Republic, methods of growth evaluation, percentile charts and how to work with them, evaluation of growth in suckling age, evaluation of low weight, overweight and obesity, secular trend.  

Promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding

Present WHO recommendation, advances of breastfeeding, contraindications of breastfeeding. Support, implementation and protection of breastfeeding in the health system. Possible health risks arising from nutrition, prevention.  

Prevention of nutrition related problems in children and adolescents

Mental anorexia and bulimia in children and adolescents (causes, prevention and therapy, case study). Obesity in children and adolescents.   

Health risks related to preschool facilities

Prevalence of acute respiratory illness, accidents and intoxications, defective body posture, psychic overburden, biological, psychic and social part of school maturity, individual evaluation of school maturity of preschool child, social understanding of preschool children; types and forms of preschool facilities.  

Health risks related to school facilities

Sources of inappropriate burden, reaction of child to it; learning disorders, behaviour disorders; psychic disorders connected with stress, sensual defects; causes and prevention of defective body postures.  

Health promotion programmes at school  

Types and forms of injuries and violence in children and adolescents and its prevention  

Suicidal and self-destructing behaviour in children and adolescents

Epidemiology of data in the Czech Republicand in the world, risk factors, description of types and forms, support of psychic health of children and adolescents, analysis of selected case studies.  

Social pathological behaviour in children and adolescents (aggressive behaviour)

Inappropriate aggression, bullying, delinquency, criminality, street gangs of children and adolescents, sources and causes of socially-pathological aggression, prevention, case studies.  

Psychoactive substances and new technologies abuse in children and adolescents


This subject is taught in the fourth year of the Master’s programme of General Medicine in connection with the subject Hygiene, Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine I and II and topics from diabetology, metabolism and pediatrics. Students will be introduced into nutrition, sport medicine, child and youth health and occupational medicine.