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Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


EAR AND TEMPORAL BONE clinical anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of hearing and balance ear examination - otoscopy, otendoscopy and otomicroscopy hearing examination - speech and whisper hearing tests, tunning fork tests, audiometry, tympanometry, stapedial reflex testing, speech audiometry, otoacoustic emissions, auditory brainstem and cortical evoked potentials clinical examination in neurotology - nystagmus examination, spontaneous nystagmus, nystagmus at semispontaneous events; examination of vestibulospinal reflexes, examination of stay and walk examination of facial nerve and topodiagnosis of facial nerve palsy, investigation of function of lower cranial nerves developmental diseases of the outer, middle and inner ear, genetic hearing loss and deafness traumatology of ear and temporal bone – trauma of the auricle and ear canal injury, ear loss  wounds, othaematoma; middle and inner ear trauma; fractures of the temporal bone, CSF leak external ear disease – impacted cerumen, foreign body in the ear canal, external ear inflammations, malignant external otitis, exostosis, benign and malignant tumors of the pinna and ear canal surgery of pinna and external auditory canal, local anesthesia  of pinna and ear canal middle ear diseases - tubotympanal catarrh, auditory tube obstruction, chronic secretory otitis media, patulous Eustachian tube; acute middle ear infection; chronic middle ear infection, cholesteatoma, temporal and intracranial complications of middle ear inflammations; otosclerosis, tympanosclerosis; benign and malignant middle ear tumors; tympanostomy; sanative and reconstruction surgery of the middle ear, myringoplasty, tympanoplasty; stapedectomy and stapedotomy sudden sensorineural hearing loss, socioacusis, presbyacusis, tinnitus, labyrinthitis, vestibular neuronitis, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, Méniere's disease, vestibular paroxysmia, upper semicircular canal dehiscence, perilymphatic fistula; acutrauma and barotrauma; tinnitus; conservative and surgical treatment of vertigo; rehabilitation of hearing loss; surgical tretament of deafness - cochlear and auditory brainstem implants; bone anchored hearing devices; active middle ear implants tumors of the innear ear and temporal bone, neurootological surgery, facial nerve palsy and its surgery  

EXTERNAL NOSE, NASAL CAVITY AND PARANASAL SINUSES clinical anatomy of the nose, nasal cavity and paranasal cavities, topographic relationships; ostiomeal complex, mucociliary transport; physiology and pathophysiology of nasal and paranasal cavities, smell examination methods in rhinology – examination of external nose, anterior rhinoscopy, endoscopic examination, olfactory examination and examination of nasal patency, imaging methods and functional tests in rhinology developmental disorders of the external nose, choanal atresia, encephalocoele traumatology of the external nose, paranasal sinuses, orbit and midface, frontobasal injury and CSF leaks external nose and nasal septum – inflammations of external nose, rhinophyma, nasal valve collapse, septal haematoma, nasal septum deviation and perforation; benign and malignant tumors of external nose; surgery of nasal septum and external nose - septoplasty and rhinoplasty; local anesthesia of external nose acute and chronic rhinosinusitis, cranial, orbital and intracranial complications of sinusitis; manifestations of granulomatous inflammations in ENT; mucocoeles, foreign body in the nose; epistaxis, anterior and posterior nasal tamponade; benign and malignant tumors of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses; olfactory disorders; endoscopic (FESS, ESS) and external surgical procedures in rhinosurgery; advanced endonasal endoscopic surgery (endoscopic approaches to orbit, anterior and central skull base and craniocervical junction)  

PHARYNX, LARYNX, CERVICAL TRACHEA AND OESOPHAGUS clinical anatomy of the pharynx, larynx and trachea, topographic relationships, para- and retropharyngeal space; physiology and pathophysiology of voice and swallowing, offending laryngeal reflexes; aspiration, suffocation; pathophysiology of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome examination of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx - examination of the pharyngeal isthmus, endoscopic examination of the pharynx, larynx and trachea, direct and indirect laryngoscopy, fibroendoscopic transnasal examination; examination of swallowing, imaging methods and functional endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES); voice testing; early diagnosis of laryngeal and pharyngeal cancer (NBI, floresecence) developmental disorders of the pharynx, larynx and trachea - cleft palate, Tornwald's cyst, laryngomalacia, congenital stenosis of larynx; congenital stenosis of the oesophagus and tracheoesophageal fistula pharynx, larynx, trachea and esophagus - foreign bodies in the respiratory and swallowing pathways, corrosive injury, burning; laryngeal contusion and fractures, cricotracheal separation; perforations of esophagus; bleeding from respiratory and swallowing pathways adenoid vegetation; tonsillitis and pharyngitis, medical and surgical complications of tonsillitis; laryngitis, epiglottitis, subglottic laryngitis; disorders of laryngeal innervation; voice and speech disorders; Zenker's diverticulum; manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux disease in ENT; benign and malignant tumors of pharynx, larynx, cervical oesophagus and trachea anestehsia of pharynx and larynx; local administration of drugs into the airways; adenotomy and tonsillectomy; coniotomy and tracheotomy; endoscopic and external surgery of larynx and pharynx; surgery for obstrucive sleep apnea syndrome; phonosurgery; mangement of stenoses in the respiratory and swallowing pathways rehabilitation of swallowing, phoniatric care for voice disorders; rehabilitation of voice after total laryngectomy  

DISEASES OF NECK clinical anatomy of the neck and its organs; topographic relationships, neck fascias, cervical lymph nodes and their clinical classification; TNM staging of head and neck cancer neck examination, imaging methods, neck ultrasonography and fine needle aspiartion biopsy (FNAB); neuromonitoring of the cranial nerves in ENT developmental disorders of the neck - branchiogenic cysts and fistula, thyreoglossal duct cysts, lymphangioma, hemangioma, thymic and parathyroid cysts injuries to the neck and its organs diseases of cervical lymph nodes - lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy; manifestations of tuberculosis and vasculitis in ENT; lymphomas in ENT; cervical lymph node metastases neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of salivary glands - epidemic parotitis, acute and chronic sialoadenitis and their complications; sialolithiasis; cysts of salivary glands; manifestations of HIV infection in the ENT; benign and malignant salivary gland tumors thyroid gland and parathyroid gland disorders in ENT - neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases; goiter; benign and malignant thyroid gland tumors; indications for thyroidectomy and types of thyroid gland resections; hyperparathyroidism, localization studies; complications of surgery of thyroid and parathyroid glands benign and malignant primary neck tumors anesthesia of neck; surgery of congenital neck defects; surgery of the salivary glands; thyroid and parathyroid glands surgery; neck dissection, classification, complications


Otorhinolaryngology includes knowledge of physiology and pathophysiology and differential diagnosis of diseases in adults and children. It mainly concerns diseases of the following areas: ears, throat, nose, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, neck, larynx - their treatment - surgical and non-surgical. Special attention is paid to the problem of choking and its causes from the perspective of an otorinolaryngologist. Emphasis is placed on teaching in practical exercises, practice in inpatient clinic, in outpatient clinic and surgery theater.

Form of teaching:

- seminars - focused on systematic classification of the ENT branch in relation to other medical fields - microbiology, neuroscience, neurosurgery, surgery, endocrinology, internal medicine, infectious medicine, ophthalmology, maxillofacial surgery.

- practical exercises - focused on practical skills - examination methods in outpatient clinic - examination of ear, nose, nasopharynx, oral cavity, throat, neck and larynx.

- simulation education - management of the patient with airway obstruction, tracheostomy, tracheopunction.

- acquired skill - replacement of tracheostomy tube