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State Examination in Preventive Medicine

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


State Final Exam Questions in Preventive Medicine (CVSE5P0066) 5th Year, valid for academic year 2018-19

Public Health    1)     Health Care indicators – overview, examples. 2)     Advanced directive (Do Not Resuscitate) principle – description, possible risks. 3)     Reform of health care systems – generic aspects. 4)     Structure and function of a health care system. Principles and mechanisms of the organization of the health care. 5)     Health care financing – basic types. Principles of public health insurance. 6)     DRG system – overview, pros and cons. 7)     Describe the Czech health care system. Who pays the care, who provides it and what is the access of population to the health care. 8)     Forms of physicians’ reimbursement and hospital financing. Advantages and disadvantages of different modes of financing hospitals. 9)     Risk in healthcare – general principles, examples. 10)   Quality management in healthcare – overview, examples. 11)   International Patient Safety Goals – overview, basic principles. 12)   Basic rights of patients guaranteed by current legislation. 13)   Confidentiality in healthcare- basic principles, exceptions.                

Child and Youth Health               1)      Basic needs and rights of children. 2)      Infant and young child feeding. 3)      Breastfeeding promotion and protection. 4)      Nutrition in preschool and school children. 5)      Obesity in children. 6)      Assessment of growth and development in children. 7)      Assessment of school readiness in a preschool child. 8)      Health risks in the school environment. 9)      Hygienic requirements for schools and health promotion in school. 10)   Syndrome of risk behaviour in children. 11)   Self-destructing behaviour in children. 12)   Injuries in children. 13)   Child abuse and neglect syndrome in primary health care. 14)   Prevention of smoking and tobacco use in children. 15)   Prevention of psychoactive substance use and addictions in children.                

Epidemiology   1)      Routine vaccination in Czech Republic. 2)      Principles of active and passive immunization. 3)      Epidemiological surveillance, its benefits and elements. 4)      Nosocomial (hospital) infectious diseases, cause of these infections and prevention. 5)      Geographic distribution of infections in Czech Republic (examples: Lyme disease, Tick-borne meningoencephalitis etc.). 6)      Bacterial respiratory infections. 7)      Viral respiratory infections. 8)      Food poisoning of infectious etiology. 9)      Bacterial intestinal infections. 10)    Infections caused by herpesviruses. 11)    Viral intestinal diseases. 12)    Viral exantematic infections including mumps. 13)    HIV/AIDS. 14)    Infections caused by chlamydia and rickettsia. 15)    Infections caused by enteroviruses. 16)    Viral hepatitis. 17)    Epidemiology of cancer. 18)    Epidemiology of injuries. 19)    Types of epidemiologic studies, importance and application. 20)    Analytical studies (cohort and case-control studies).                

General Hygiene            1)      Drinking water – sources, quality and health requirements, organoleptic properties. 2)      Drinking water – chemical and microbiological contamination, health risks, prevention. 3)      Bathing water – hygienic requirements, health risks of microbial and chemical contamination, prevention. 4)      Municipal, industrial and agricultural waste waters, health risks, prevention. 5)      Waste – hygienic problematics, characteristics, disposal possibilities and their health  risks and ecological impacts. 6)      Health care waste - specificity, handling, health risks and prevention. 7)      Environmental pollution – toxic metals - sources, pollution spreading, food chains contamination, health risks for the population - examples. 8)      Endocrine disruptors – sources and spreading of pollution, food chains contamination, health risks from a population perspective - examples. 9)      Health risk assessment of environmental factors – methodology - basic steps, human exposure estimation, risk communication and perception. 10)    Human biomonitoring, and their significance and use in estimating the exposure of the general population to toxic substances from the environment - examples. 11)    UV radiation and its positive and negative effects on humans, prevention. 12)    Hygienic requirements for medical facilities. 13)    Housing - hygienic requirements and health risks of the apartment environment. 14)    Air pollution - sources, main air pollutants and their health risks, air pollution monitoring system at national and local level, prevention possibilities. 15)    Indoor air pollution, physical, chemical and biological factors specific to this environment, possibilities of prevention. 16)    Health issues of municipal noise - resources, health risks, prevention. 17)    Environmental factors and specific risks for the children population.                

Occupational and Travel Health              1)     Occupational health services: content, organization, documentation on occupational health services. Obligations of employers and employees. 2)     Work-related injuries, occupational diseases, risks of occupational disease, work-related diseases, occupational injuries. Prevalence, assessment, compensation, and prevention. 3)     Work and physical fitness for work. Occupational medical examinations (initial, periodical, extraordinary, exit, and follow-up) 4)     Analysis of risks at work: evaluation of work environment, workplace and activities, preventive measures to reduce risk. 5)     Categorization of risk at work, hazardous work and documentation. 6)     Dust: categorization, measurement, exposure assessment, occupational diseases caused by dust 7)     Measurement and assessment of workplace ergonomics. Total-body physical work and occupational diseases caused by repetitive use injury. 8)     Professional carcinogens, intoxication with chemical substances, biological exposure tests. 9)     Measurement and assessment of noise and vibration, occupational diseases caused by noise and vibration     10)  Radiation: non-ionizing, electromagnetic, ultraviolet, and infrared. Lasers, characteristics and effects on humans, preventive measures. 11)  Biological agents and effects on humans, detection methods, risk assessment, health protection 12)  Ionizing radiation and its physical characteristics. Working with exposure to ionizing radiation (external and internal contamination). Measurement and evaluation, exposure limits, effects and prevention. Precautions in the event of a radiation accident.                

Sport Medicine               1)        Doping. 2)        Role and prescription of strength and dynamic strength training in primary and secondary prevention. 3)        Functional variables followed during exercise tests at laboratory (VO2, HR, BP, RQ, pulse oxygen). and their clinical significance. Effect of drug medication. 4)        Metabolic syndrome. Treatment options. 5)        Metabolism of principal nutrients during physical exercise. Nutrition in sports. 6)        Exercise tests: types, sources, protocols, variables monitored. 7)        Effect of regular physical activity (training) on physical fitness and metabolic indices. Effect of immobilization.    8)        Obesity – pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment. 9)        Physical activity in pathogenesis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. 10)     Physical activity in pathogenesis and treatment of metabolic diseases (DM, hyperlipidaemias ...). 11)     Muscle dysbalance. 12)     Physical activity and diet in pathogenesis and treatment of obesity. 13)     Role of physical activity in the following conditions: osteoporosis, pulmonary diseases, ischemia of lower extremities, gravidity, aging). 14)     Effect of regular physical activity on body systems (cardiovascular system, skeletal muscle, metabolic indices, hormonal balance). Effect on mortality and morbidity.  15)     Principles of prescription of regular physical activity (PA) in primary and secondary prevention. Determination and expression of the recommended intensity of PA. 16)     Exercise testing – indication, contraindication, criteria of pathological test, criteria of test inter