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English terminology

Class at Second Faculty of Medicine |

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Zimní semestr:

1. Introduction, Aims and Demands, List of Literature Medical History

2. Cell and Tissues, Microbiology Pain, Medical Examination

3. The Human Body and Systems Body Parts, Positional and Directional Terms

4. The Musculoskeletal System, Orthopaedics Bones, Joints, Muscles

5. The Integumentary System Body Temperature and Sweat, Nausea and Vomiting

6. The Sense Organs (ENT), TEST Deafness, Otitis Media, Nosebleeds

7. Ophthalmology Refractive Errors, Eye Tests, Glaucoma, Eye Injuries

8. The Nervous System Brain, Spinal Cord, Nerves

9. The Circulatory System, The Heart, Haematology Cardiovascular Conditions

10. The Urinary System Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, Prostatectomy, Renal Stones

11. The Endocrine System, TEST Glands and Their Function

12. The Respiratory System Dyspnoea, Cough, Asthma

13. The Digestive System Body Weight and Diet

14. CREDIT TEST Letní semestr:

1. Physiotherapy Sample Dialogues

2. At the physiotherapist's Instructions during Physical Examination

3. Therapeutic Exercise Rehabilitation Aids

4. Massage in Sports, Medicine and Everyday Life Balneology

5. The Hospital and Wards Rehabilitation Team

6. The Reproductive System, TEST Infertility Examination

7. Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Family Planning Contraception

8. Paediatrics, Paediatric Rehabilitation Feeding, Psychomotor Development

9. Surgery Abdominal and Spinal Surgeries

10. Oncology Possibilities of Treatment

11. Pharmacology, TEST Administration of Medication

12. Traumatology, Accidents, First Aid CPR

13. Complementary Therapies Job Search, How to Write a Letter of Application, CV


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Cílem předmětu je osvojení si specifické lékařské terminologie, odborných jazykových zkratek a konverzačních obratů pro studenty oboru fyzioterapie. Absolventi předmětu by měli být schopni používat angličtinu ve svém oboru při komunikaci s pacienty, v kontaktu se zahraničními kolegy i při své vědecké práci.

Měli by také umět pracovat s anglicky psanou odbornou literaturou a sami vytvářet odborné texty.