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Lékařská mikrobiologie I

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Syllabus - lectures (Wednesdays) 1 A broader introduction to the field of medical microbiology, basics of bacterial cell genetics 2 Bacterial cell. Pathogenicity of bacteria. 3 Introduction to antibiotics. Systematics of antimicrobials I. 4 Systematics of antimicrobials II. 5 Significant G+ cocci I (staphylococci) 6 Significant G+ cocci II (streptococci and enterococci) - CREDIT TEST I. 7 Significant G+ rods (corynebacteria, listeria, clostridia) 8 G- bacteria I (non-fermenting rods, enterobacteria) 9 G- bacteria II (culture challenging: bordetella, Legionella, haemophilus, meningococcus) 10 G-bacteria III (Campylobacter, Helicobacter). G+ and G- anaerobic bacteria (except clostridia). 11 Medical mycology 12 The Rector's day - NO LECTURE 13 Atypical bacteria I (rickettsia, coxiella, bartonella, chlamydia, mycoplasma) - CREDIT TEST II. 14 Atypical bacteria II (mycobacteria, spirochetes) Syllabus - practical training (Tuesdays)

1) Preanalytical phase of microbiological diagnostics

2) Microscopy in bacteriology

3) Cultivation of bacteria and procedures leading to the identification of bacteria

4) Antimicrobials susceptibility testing (AST)

5) Serological methods

6) Diagnostics of major G+ cocci I (staphylococci)

7) Diagnostics of major G+ cocci II (streptococci and enterococci)

8) Diagnostics of important G+ rods (corynebacteria, listeria, clostridia and bacilli)

9) Diagnostics of G-bacteria I. (non-fermenting rods, enterobacteria)

10) Diagnostics of G-bacteria II - culturally challenging (bordetella, Legionella, haemophilus, meningococcus)

11) Diagnostics of G-bacteria III - culture challenging bacteria (Campylobacter, Helicobacter) and anaerobic bacteria

12) Diagnostic methods in mycology 13 Diagnostic methods in parasitology

14) Credits

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Basic principles of general microbiology, patogenetic mechanisms, special bacteriology, mycology, virology and parasitology, principles of antimicrobial therapy, antiinfectious immunity and specific and nonspecific immunomodulation, clinical microbiology with selection of laboratory techniques, interpretation, differential diagnostics.