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Internal Medicine I

Class at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Syllabus of lectures and seminars of Internal Medicine I Pulmonology:

1. Emergency in pulmonology The presentation gives an overview of emergency situations in pneumology, their etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment. Attention is paid to imaging methods. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of lungs and ventilation

2. Bronchoscopy Overview of indications, types, complications, and benefits of this important examination. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of lungs and ventilation

3. Acute and chronic respiratory insufficiency The lecture deals with the definition, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic approaches, and therapeutic measures in conditions associated with respiratory insufficiency. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of lungs and ventilation

4. COPD Etiology, pathophysiology, risk factors. Clinical presentation, physical examination, functional testing, imaging methods. Therapy and importance of non-smoking. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of lungs and ventilation

5. Dyspnea The presentation gives an overview of the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, differential diagnosis, and treatment of dyspnea. Attention is paid to imaging methods. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of lungs and ventilation

6. Asthma bronchiale The presentation gives an overview of the definition, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, classification, and treatment of bronchial asthma. The latest international guidelines are considered (GINA). Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of lungs and ventilation

7. Interstitial lung diseases The lecture deals with the definition, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic approaches, and therapeutic measures in interstitial pulmonary processes, as disease model is discussed sarcoidosis in detail. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis - the presentation gives an overview of the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Attention is paid to imaging methods. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of lungs and ventilation

8. Hemoptysis The presentation gives an overview of the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, differential diagnosis, and treatment of hemoptysis. Attention is paid to imaging methods. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of lungs and ventilation

9. Pneumonias The presentation gives an overview of the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment of community acquired and hospital acquired pneumonia and pneumonia in immunocompromised host. Attention is paid to imaging methods. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of lungs and ventilation

10. Pleural effusion The presentation gives an overview of the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment of pleural effusion. Attention is paid to imaging methods. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of lungs and ventilation

11. Tuberculosis The presentation gives an overview of the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment of tuberculosis. Attention is paid to new methods of diagnosis of latent tuberculosis, vaccination, and other measures of control of tuberculosis. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of lungs and ventilation, microbiology of tbc

12. Lung cancer The presentation gives an overview of the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment of lung cancer. Attention is paid to imaging methods and prevention of this disease. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of lungs and ventilation Gastroenterology:

1. Examination methods in gastroenterology and hematology History, common complaints. Physical examination. Ultrasound, X-ray, CT, and MR imaging. Endoscopic and biochemical methods. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of gastrointestinal tract

2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum. Tumors of stomach. The presentation gives an overview of the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcers, and stomach tumors. Attention is paid to imaging methods and prevention of this disease. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of gastrointestinal tract

3. Inflammatory bowel disease The presentation gives an overview of the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. Attention is paid to imaging methods. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of gastrointestinal tract

4. Intestinal polyps, cancer of large intestine and rectum The presentation gives an overview of the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of intestinal polyps and cancer. Attention is paid to imaging methods, screening and prevention of this disease. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of gastrointestinal tract

5. Gastrointestinal bleeding, chronic pancreatitis Acute bleeding to the gastrointestinal tract, main clinical symptoms, differences in clinical symptomatology dependent on etiology of the bleeding. Importance of circulation stabilization, endoscopy methods for examination and treatment. Chronic pancreatitis - definition, pathogenesis, etiology. Risk factors, clinical presentation, physical examination, lab results and imaging methods. Treatment. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of gastrointestinal tract

6. Cholelithiasis and its complications Definition: Cholecystolithiasis - biliary stones in the gallbladder, choledocholithiasis - biliary stones in the common bile duct and hepatic duct. Incidence, etiology, clinical presentation, laboratory results, imaging methods, therapy. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of hepatobiliary area

7. Chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver Definition, etiology, and pathophysiology. Viral, autoimmune, and other chronic hepatitis. Diagnosis, imaging methods, treatment, and complications of this disease. Liver cirrhosis - etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, lab, and imaging methods. Treatment and complications. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of liver

8. Portal hypertension, hepatic failure Definition, anatomy, and pathophysiology of portal hypertension. Etiology, diagnostics, clinical presentation, complications, and therapy. Definition and incidence of liver failure, etiology and pathophysiology, complications, diagnosis, and treatment. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of liver

9. Differential diagnosis of jaundice Review of basic types of icterus, (prehepatic, hepatic, posthepatic), clinical presentation, lab results, imaging methods. Case reports. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of liver

10. Differential diagnosis of fever states Pathophysiological of temperature, types of temperature, diagnostic methods. Febrile states by etiology: infection, tumors, systematic disease. Sub febrile states, invasive methods as febrile source. Required knowledge: physiological and pathophysiological knowledge of thermoregulation

11. Disturbances of GI tract passage. Required knowledge: anatomy, physiology of gastrointestinal tract Diabetology a metabolism:

1. Diabetes mellitus part I Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnostic. Classification and differential diagnostics of diabetes. Required knowledge: physiology and pathophysiology of metabolism

2. Diabetes mellitus part II Chronic diabetes complication. Clinical presentation, diagnostics, and treatment. Required knowledge: physiology and pathophysiology of metabolism

3. Acute complication of diabetes. Differential diagnosis of hypoglycemia. Required knowledge: physiology and pathophysiology of metabolism

4. Treatment of diabetes mellitus Treatment with oral antidiabetic agents and insulin treatment. Differences in treatment of type 1 and 2 diabetes. Diet and physical exercise. Required knowledge: physiology and pathophysiology of metabolism

5. Nutritional disorders (obesity, cachexia) Definition, measurement, classification of obesity. Examination of an obese patient (history, specifics in obesity), function and distribution of adipose tissue, complication of obesity. Therapy (behavior modification, diet, exercise, psychotherapy, drugs, surgery). Definition, etiology of malnutrition, diagnostic and types, laboratory parameters, complications. Required knowledge: physiology and pathophysiology of metabolism

6. Disorders of lipid metabolism Dyslipidemia - risks and classification. Goals for treatment, recommended targets for dyslipidemia treatment. Lab results. Required knowledge: physiology and pathophysiology of metabolism

7. Atherosclerosis and endothelial dysfunction Required knowledge: physiology and pathophysiology of metabolism Cardiology:

1. Acute coronary syndromes Etiology, pathophysiology, risk factors. Clinical presentation, examination, diagnostics, treatment. Required knowledge: physiology and pathophysiology of circulation

2. Atherosclerosis and chronic coronary heart disease Introductory lecture to clinical aspects of coronary heart disease (CHD) defining clinical forms of CHD. It defines principles of coronary circulation in a heathy individual, as well as normal functions of endothelium. Endothelial dysfunction is presented in relation to atherogenesis together with main risk factors of CHD. Of clinical forms of CHD, effort angina pectoris and silent ischemia are presented (clinical symptomatology, examinations, non-invasive and invasive treatment). Required knowledge: physiology and pathophysiology of circulation

3. Valvular heart disease Etiology, pathophysiology, risk factors. Clinical presentation, imaging methods, treatment. Required knowledge: physiology and pathophysiology of circulation

4. Arrhythmias Etiology, pa


Information about Internal Medicine I

The subject is composed from theoretical lectures, seminars and clinical practicals.

Practicals are run on wards of Internal Clinic.

Start of lectures and practicals is specified in time schedule.

Students may check which meeting room/ward is assigned to their class:


• on a noticeboard on the floor 4D (in front of secretariat of Internal clinic)

The education of 5 blocks will end with a credit test, the dates will be announced in SIS. The test has open-ended questions for free writting. To successfully completed test must have more than 75% of the answers correct, i.e. more than 7.5 points. The results will be written in SIS.