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OS - Selected Chapters of Metabolism, Nephrology and Gastroenterology

Class at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Syllabus - Selected Chapters of Metabolism, Nephrology and Gastroenterology

Sepsis, septic shock, multiorgan failure. Pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnostics and treatment. Multiorgan failure - pathophysiology, symptomatology, diagnostics, treatment.

Treatment of liver cirrhosis. Case reports. Pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnostics and treatment of liver cirrhosis. Complications and how to solve them.

Colon cancer, principles of screening. Polypectomy, its indication and complications. Clinical presentation of the colon cancor, possibilities of screening. Providing thy polypectomy - risks and complications.

Principles of parenteral and enteral nutrition within the course of serious malnutrition. Out-patient parenteral nutrition. Eating disorders.

Fluid, electrolytes and acid-base balance and their disorders - practical examples.

Acute diabetic complications, complications of anti-diabetic treatment - how to recognize and treat them. Diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperosmolarity, lactic acidosis - how to recognize and how to treat them. Hypoglycaemia.

Inflammatory bowel disease, colonoscopic diagnostic and treatment. New treatments of IBD.

Bile duct and pancreatic tumors, principles of diagnostics. Presentation of ERCP records.

Chronic renal failure, causes of it´s progression. Renal osteodystrophy.

Salt and the kidney.

Chronic diabetic complications - neuropathy, nephropathy, diabetic foot, macrovascular complication. Importance of screening the coronary heart disease in diabetic patients.