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OS - Complex approach to urological tumors

Class at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Optional subject recommended for students in 5. and 6. year

Venue: Urologická klinika FN Motol a 2. LFUK, Onkogická klinika UK 2.LF a FN Motol

Beginning: 14.00 (2 PM)

Number of students: minimal 5, maximal 10

Goal: Detail overview about urological tumors with main stress on practical aspects of the diagnosis and treatment, the practical demonstration of multimodal approach to the treatment of urological tumors, epidemiology and etiology of urological tumors a. Diagnosis of urological tumors b. Surgical treatment of urological tumors c. Radiotherapy for urological tumors d. Systemic treatment of urological tumors (hormones, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted treatment) e. Practical demonstration of diagnostic and treatment steps with active participation of students (invasive diagnosis, assisting during operations, participation during planning and application of radiotherapy and chemotherapy)


Monday 14.00 (auditorium of urological department): Lesson dealing with epidemiology, etiology, diagnostics and differential diagnostics in urological tumors (2 hours)

Tuesday 14.00 (auditorium of urological department): Lesson dealing with treatment of urological tumors (2 hours)

Further 16 hours during the semester will be offered to practical application of achieved knowledge. Students will participate during invasive diagnostic procedures (prostate biopsy – 1 hour), assist during operations at urological department (11 hours) and during planning and application of radiotherapy and chemotherapy in oncologic department (4 hours).

Organizer: Urologická klinika FN Motol a 2. LFUK, Onkologická klinika UK 2.LF a FN Motol