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OS - Reducing and fitness course

Class at Second Faculty of Medicine |

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Due to the measures of the Rector of Charles University, the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic and the Government of the Czech Republic, the practical teaching of our workplace will take place only by distance learning until further notice.

Current INFO - website ÚTV 2. LF UK

The course take place at Hostivař Sports Centre (SC UK Hostivař, Bruslařská 10, Praha 10) every Monday from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM in winter semester 2020/2021.

If you have any questions regarding PE and sport, you can contact our sport tutor for international students:

Mgr. Michael Janek -

Department of Physical Education, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University

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PE in its practical part helps to develop basic skills and specfic kknowwledge and maintains physical fitness of the medical students.

In theoretical part the students get information in the chosen sport.

With selection we enable the students longrange development in one sport or personal experience in various sports.