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Medical Psychology and Ethics

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Syllabus: 1. A complex view of a patient:the biopsycholosocial model of disease.

Psychotherapy and medicine:the integration of psychotherapy into medicine.

The psychotherapeutic approach: a targeted use of communication skills and doctor – patient relationship in clinical practice. 2. The relationship between the doctor and the patient : contribution of M. Balint to understanding problems in the doctor – patient relationship. 3. Basic communication skills: listening,empathy,understanding,interpretation,interest and support advice and counselling.Integration of communication skills.  4.Nonverbal communication between doctor and patient : verbal,nonverbal and paraverbal components of communication. Description and classification of nonverbal behaviour. Application of the study of nonverbal bahaviour in doctor-patient interaction.  5. Anamnesis (a case history ) aimed at patient’s psychological problems:examples of forms of   specific anamnestic question ( introductory question, „ yes – no“ questions, questions about patient’s opinion etc.)  6. Doctor - patient interview: history taking versus doctor – patient interview ( dialogue), defining the framework of the interview, specially oriented interview 

(e.g.  crisis intervertion, conveying the diagnosis of a serious disease,approach to depressive patiens etc.)  7. Supportive psychotherapy : introduction, definition, basic characteristics of supportive psychotherapy.  8. Supportive psychotherapy as an independent  method of treatment: e.g. in problem situations  of life, in a crisis of life values etc.  9. Psychogical aspects of pharmacotherapy: psychological factors on the side of the doctor and on the side of the patient, psychotherapy and psycho – pharmacotherapy.Placebo effect.  10. Problem situations ( complications) in communication between  the doctor and the patient: factors on the side of the doctor, patient and his /her family.  11. Lifespan approach to human development: newborn,long term effects of early experience, maternal deprivation, hospitalisation of children . Adolescence,development tasks, development of identity,sex roles. Ageing,development tasks, adjustment to losses associated with old age , abnormal ageing.  12. Personality: definition,personality development, introversion /extraversion,personality disorders.

Inteligence: definition, IQ , mental retardation.  13. Pain : psychogenic pain, gate – control theory, endorphins ,assessment methods, chronic pain managment.  14. Sleep  : stages of sleep, functions of sleep,dreaming, sleep disorders ,sleep hygiene.  15. Social psychology: relevance of social priciples to medicine,behaviour in groups , sick role. Mental health programmes.  16. Psychotherapy : definition ( e.g. dynamic, behavioural,cognitive).  17. Family issues : parenting, violence and sexual abuse, family therapy.  18. Sexual function and dysfunction : psychological influences, cultural influences, therapeutic interventions.  19. Addition : alcoholism and drug addiction, sociocultural and psychological factors, treatment and prevention programmes.  20. Normal versus abnormal behaviour : classification of abnormal behaviour ( anxiety,somatoform disorder,dissociative disorder,depression, obsessive – compulsive disoreder, psychosis,dementia ).


Object Medical psychology and ethics is included into the programme of the second year Dentistry. In the winter semester there are two hours of practice training ( seminars) 1x in two weeks .Each study group has separate time for practice training.

One of the criterions for the credit is the written work ( literary review or essay). The topic is the matter of students choice.

Practice training (seminars) are elaborating topics according syllabus. Practice  training is based on specific problems from the clinical medicine e.g. informing, psychological quidance, counselling, communication with handicapped etc. During  practice training we use role playing, video feedback and small goups dynamics. Students are sharing their  experiences from clinical training and from literature dealing with psychology topics.

The goal of this teaching programme is support of humanisation of medicine, sensibilisation of students to psychological aspects of clinical medicine and training of communication in specific situations of medical practice.   


Psychological aspects of medicine. Communication skills.

Crisis intervention. Conveying the diagnosis of a serious disease.

Chronic and old patient in medical care. Family issues, family therapy.

Nonverbal communication. Psychotherapy, supportive psychotherapy.

Ethical aspects of medicine. Troubles and conficts in doctor - patients communication.