Microbiology exercises for general medicine I. (summer semester)
1) Introduction - safety, classification of microbes, characterization of main groups of microbes
2) Dizinfection and sterilization - fyzical and chemical methods and agents, indication and quality control, laboratory equipment and its application
3) Cultivation I. - specimens collection, processing and storage, culture media characteristics
4) Cultivation II. - seeding of culture media, characteristics of microbial growth
5) Microscopy I. - Gram stain, bacterial morphology
6) Microscopy II. - Acid-fast stain, negative stain, slides of clinical specimens, host cells identification
7) Cultivation III. - Biochemical and additional tests
8) Cultivation IV. - Antibiotic susceptibility testing
9) Immunological methods I.- terms definition, polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies charteristics, production and application,
10) Immunological methods II. - Principles of direct and indirect immunological methods
11) Immunological methods III. - Main assays, its characteristics, application and limits in diagnostics
12) Identification of medically important microbes - main groups of microbes in cultures and microscopy slides
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