S y l l a b u s - p s y c h i a t r y
Personality : determinants of personality ( genetic , environmental factors), assessment of personality, clinical personality types ( e.g. anxious, obsessional, hysterical .
Emotions and stress : pathways mediating the reactions of organism ´s responses to emotional changes and various stresses. Stress and distress, life events, re- adjustment. Anomalities of emotions, mood disorders. 3. Psychiatric examination : history-taking, the interview, general rules for interview, family history, personal history, medical history, present illness. Description of present mental state ( general appearance and behaviour form of talk, mood, perception, thinking, memory etc.)
Organic psychosyndromes : dementia ( clasification, clinical feature ), senile dementia, Alzheimer s disease, multi-infarct and arteriosclerotic dementia and others according to the underlying pathogenic processes ( inflamatory, neoplastic, intoxications, metabolic, traumatic etc. ).
Schizophrenia : clinical features ( withdrawal, thought disorders, disorders of perception, change of affect, disturbances in behaviour and motor functions ),varieties of schizophrenia , aetiology of schizophrenia ( influence of genetic and environmental factors in schizophrenia ), diagnostic criteria, treatment, prognosis.
Affective disorders : clinical features of depressive disorder ( appearance, behaviour, mood, thinking, los of interest, sleep disturbances etc.) , griefreactions, bereavement. Suicide, attempted suicide. Depressive equivalent.Principles of management of depressive disorder ( drug treatment etc. ).Clinical features of manic disorder ( appearance, behaviour,mood, thinking),Principles of management of manic disorder ( drug treatment ).Prognosis ofaffective disorders.
Hysteria : forms of hysterical reaction ( dysmnestic, conversion symptoms, quasi-psychotic state, superaditions to physical diseases).Diagnosis and treatment of hysteria. Communication with a hysterical patient at non-psychiatric department.
Neurotic disorders : anxiety states ( clinical features, aethiologic factors e.g. genetic, constitutional , psychological and others, treatment ), the occurrence of anxiety and other mental, physical and psychosomatic disorders. Obsessional states ( clinical features, differential diagnosis of obsessional states, obsessions as parts of other mental disorders, obsessional personality, treatment ).
Child psychiatry : disturbances in eliminative functions ( e.g. enuresis ),behaviour problems concerning eating, unhealthy behavioural and emotional responses ( e.g. aggressive behaviour problerms, hyperkinetic states ), psychosomatic disorders, severe mental disorders ( e.g. childhood schizophrenia, early autism ).
Psychiatric emergencies : suicidal attemps and threats, aggressive behaviour, violence, acute panic attacs, states of excitement, severe depression, manic episodes, acute toxic states ( intoxication ), delirium. Legal aspect ( e.g. consent to treatment , compulsory admission and detention etc. ).