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Parodontologie SRZ

Předmět na Lékařská fakulta v Plzni |

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Precancerous lesions of the vermillion border and oral mucosa – classification, differential diagnosis, basic therapeutical aspects

Sore mouth, sore tongue (Stomatodynia, glossodynia)

Periodontitis – etiology, classification, clinical picture, basic therapeutical aspects

„White lesion“ symptom

Conservative treatment of periodontal diseases 6.      Periodontal pocket and pseudopocket, classification of periodontal bone defects, furcation involvement

Manifestations of hypovitaminoses and avitaminoses on the oral mucous membrane

Principles of prosthetic treatment in the periodontally compromised dentition

Saliva flow disturbances

Treatment planning in periodontal diseases, separated therapeutical phases

Periodontal surgery – therapeutical procedures

Inflammations of tongue mucosa and their local and systemic reasons

Trauma from occlusion,  aims and methods of adjustment

Agressive periodontitis, periodontal abscess – etiology, clinical picture, treatment

Oral manifestations of AIDS

Allergic, toxic and toxoallergic manifestations on the lips and oral mucous membrane

Diseases of viral etiology with oral manifestations

Differential diagnostics of oral ulcers

Herpetic gingivostomatitis

Non-inflammatory periodontal diseases – etiology, classification, therapy

Local etiological factors of periodontal diseases – microbial plaque

Chronic periodontitis

Oral mucous membrane diseases of bacterial etiology

Diseases of the lips, angular stomatitis

Aphthous stomatitis – etiology, classification, clinical picture, treatment

Antiseptics in periodontal therapy

Oral manifestations of mycotic infection

Gingivitis – etiology, classification, clinical picture, principles of therapy

Classification of periodontal diseases according to recent conception

Periodontal pathogens, classification, clinical significance, diagnostic

Local and systemic application of antibiotics in the treatment of periodontal diseases

Gingival hyperplasia - etiology, clinical manifestations, treatment

Reparation and regeneration of periodontal structures, regenerative surgical procedures

Etiology of periodontal diseases – local and systemic factors

Periodontal surgery – mucogingival procedures


Oral manifestations of  blood diseases

Periodontal surgery – esthetically oriented procedures

Endo – perio lesions

Subgingival treatment – hand instruments, air powered and ultrasonic scalers and their clinical use

Index system in periodontology

Oral manifestations of autoimmune diseases

Manifestations of systemic diseases on the oral mucosa

Differential diagnostics of vesiculous diseases of oral mucosa 

Paraneoplastic changes on the oral mucosa    

Next part of the state exam is reading of X-ray picture (OPG), diagnostics of oral mucosa diseases and prescription of drugs applicable  in periodontology.


1. Patologie parodontu, gingivitidy, parodontitidy

2. Klasifikace parodontopatií

3. Konzervativní terapie parodontopatií, schéma parodontologické léčby, iniciální, udržovací a podpůrná fáze léčby

4. Chirurgická léčba parodontopatií

5. Traumatická artikulace, ošetření postižených furkací

6. Protetické ošetření chrupu s oslabeným parodontem

7. Endodontická a ortodontická problematika v parodontologii