Topics: 2nd semester - BIOLOGY
\r\n1. Introduction into optical microscopy
Basic composition of an optical microscope; Magnification and resolving power; Estimation of real dimensions of objects; Fluorescent microscopy
2. Prokaryotic cells
Basic functional organization of prokaryotic cells; Basic classification of bacteria (pathogens); Bacterial cell wall; Gram reaction; Bacteria and cyanobacteria, examples, observation
3. Eukaryotic cells
Basic functional organization of eukaryotic cells (focus on animal and plant cells); Comparison of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
4. Comparing the structure of plant and animal cells
Observation of permanent preparations of various human cells and tissues; Native preparations of plant cells; Plant tissues – parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma; Comparative analysis of plant and animal cells; Cell wall; Comparative analysis of plant and prokaryotic cell walls.
5. Ultrastructure of eukaryotic cells
Seminar – electron microscopy and resolving ultrastructure of eukaryotic cells. Basic membrane structures (nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, lysosomes, peroxisomes, vesicles, mitochondria, chloroplasts) and non-membrane structures (ribosomes, nucleolus, cell wall) including cytoskeleton (microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate filaments); Vesicle transport; Molecular motors
6. Cell cycle and mitosis
Cell cycle (G1, S, G2, M), DNA replication, and somatic cell division; Mitosis and its phases; Mitotic spindle structure; Mitotic index; Chromatin structure; Cells in different mitotic phases – slides.
7. Meiosis
Production of gametes – meiosis and gametogenesis; Both meiotic divisions (I and II) with focus on the first division; First meiotic prophase (leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, diakinesis; Recombination; Comparison of meiosis and mitosis; Cells in different phases of meiotic division - slides
8. Cytogenetics
Chromosomes – structure and classification; human karyotype, banding techniques; Numerical chromosomal aberrations (polyploidy, aneuploidies, syndromes) and structural chromosomal aberrations (deletion, duplication, inversion, translocations, fusions, Robertsonian translocation …) and examples human syndromes; Main sources of these aberrations; Nondisjunction; Evaluation of human karyotypes
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