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Histologie a embryologie I

Předmět na Lékařská fakulta v Plzni |


Sylabus přednášek z histologie pro I. ročník zubního lékařství.

1. Introduction (history and importance of histology). Cytology.

2. Tissues (classification). Epithelial tissue (classification according to their arrangement).

3. Epithelial tissue (classification according to the function – glandular epithelium).

4. Connective tissue proper (cells, fibres, ground substance), types of connective tissue proper.

5. Cartilage (hyaline, elastic, fibrocartilage). Bone (structure, ossification).

6. Blood I (erythrocytes, leukocytes).

7. Blood II (lymphocytes, platelets, hematopoiesis).

8. Muscular tissue (smooth, striated, cardiac).

9. Nervous tissue (neuron, synapses, neuroglia, barriers of the CNS).

10. Cardiovascular system (arteries, veins, heart).

11. Sensory organs – eye, ear, olfactory organ.

12. Lymphatic system. Endocrine system.

13. Solving model questions from histology for credit and exam. Sylabus praktických cvičení z histologie pro I. ročník zubního lékařství.

1.Introduction: The rules of health security during the teaching process of Histology. Histological techniques.Epithelial tissues I.: Simple and stratified epithelia (sole of the foot, lip, thyroid gland, kidney).

2.Epithelial tissues II.: Pseudostratified, transitional and specialized epithelium (soft palate, urinary bladder, liver). Epithelial tissues III.: Serous and mucous glands (parotid gland, pancreas, duodenum, sublingual gland), glands in the skin (axilla, eyelid, labium majus).

3.Recapitulation of the previous topic. Connective tissue I.: Collagenous, elastic, reticular, mucous (spleen, aorta, kidney - Gomori, umbilical cord, lip embr.).

4.Connective tissue II.: Cartilage and bone (auricle, trachea, epiglottis, lung), desmogenous and endochondral ossification (fetus 40 mm - fetal head and fetal upper extremity, fetal rib), tooth

5.Muscular tissue: Smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscle (stomach, oesophagus, tongue, heart, artery and vein).

6.Nervous tissue: Neural elements of CNS and PNS (spinal cord, cerebellum, cerebral cortex, peripheral nerve).

7.Revision of the whole topic. Course credit. TEST 1:

11.3. –

29.3. 2024TEST 2:

8.4. -

26.4. 2024TEST 3:

29.4. -


5. 2024FINAL TEST: from

20.5. 2024


Student se díky předmětu seznámí se základními druhy tkání a s jejich histologickou stavbou a prakticky díky práci s mikroskopem zvládne identifikovat, popsat a pochopit mikrostrukturu buněk i tkání těla.