Kateřina Kamarádová, MD, PhD
Petra Kašparová, MD, PhD
Prof. Jan Laco, MD, PhD
Adéla Matějková, MD, PhD
Prof. Aleš Ryška, MD, PhD
Jiří Soukup, MD
Introduction. Cell pathology - cell injury, adaptation (prof. Ryška, 3 hours)
Introduction. Cell pathology - cell injury, adaptation (prof. Ryška, 3 hours)
Neoplasia I. (prof. Ryška, 3 hours)
Neoplasia II. (prof. Ryška, 3 hours)
Inflammation, repair, regeneration (prof. Laco, 3 hours)
Circulatory disorders, shock (prof. Laco, 3 hours)
Genetic diseases. Immune system (dr. Soukup, 3 hours)
Infectious diseases (prof. Laco, 3 hours)
Environmental diseases (dr. Kamarádová, 3 hours)
Heart, blood vessels (dr. Matějkov á, 6 hours)
Respiratory system (prof. Laco, 3 hours)
Gastrointestinal system (prof. Laco, 3 hours)
Liver. Biliary system. Pancreas (prof. Laco, 3 hours)
Hematopoietic system (dr. Kašparová, 3 hours)
Kidney, urinary tract. (prof. Laco, 3 hours)
Practical courses & seminars
Kateřina Kamarádová, MD
Practical courses
General pathology: Kidney infarction (1). Myocardial infarction (3). Post-myocardial infarction scar (4, 4B). Acute pancreatic necrosis (6). Brain infarction (7). Caseous necrosis, adrenal gland (10).
General pathology: Lipomatous atrophy, pancreas (11). Steatosis, liver (24, 24B). Amyloidosis, kidney (29, 29B, 29C). Metastatic calcification, lung (42, 42B).
General pathology: Fibrocystic changes of breast (50). Polycystic ovary (51). Polycystic kidney disease - adult type (48A). Gaucher´s disease, spleen (26). Purulent inflammation, neck (74).
Disorders of circulation: Phlebothrombosis (57). Chronic pulmonary thrombembolism (58B). Lung edema (64). Chronic lung congestion (54, 54B). Chronic liver congestion (53).
Pathology of heart and vessels: Myocardial hypertrophy (65). Infective endocarditis (84). Rheumatic myocarditis (109A). Fibrinous pericarditis (71). Aortic atheroma (32).
Pathology of respiratory tract: Bronchopneumonia (81). Miliary tuberculosis of lung (98). DAD - acute phase (178). Squamous cell carcinoma of lung (160). Small cell carcinoma of lung (161).
Pathology of gastrointestinal tract: Chronic gastritis (192, 192B). Chronic peptic ulcer of stomach (78). Suppurative appendicitis (77). Crohn's disease (193). Colonic adenocarcinoma (157). Liver cirrhosis (92, 92B).
Pathology of urinary tract: Acute pyelonephritis (90). Renal pelvis papillocarcinoma (144). Carcinoma of kidney (168, 168B). Pathology of CNS: Purulent meningitis (73). Multiple sclerosis (119, 119B).
Pathology of genital tract: Testicular seminoma (174). Prostatic nodular hyperplasia (120). Ovarian teratoma (170). Extrauterine gravidity, fallopian tube (67). Hydatidiform mole (172).
Pathology of genital tract: Leiomyoma, uterus (129). Squamous cell carcinoma, uterine cervix (159). Condyloma acuminatum (143). Fibroadenoma, breast (150). Invasive ductal breast carcinoma (155).
Hematopathology: Hodgkin´s lymphoma (135). Non-Hodgkin´s lymphoma (136). Chronic myeloid leukemia, liver (137). Myeloma, vertebra (189).
Revision seminar.
Introduction; cell injury; adaptation; inflammation; repair; regeneration; circulatory disorders; shock; genetic diseases; immune system; environmental diseases; infectious diseases; oncology; heart; blood vessels; hematopoietic system; respiratory system; gastrointestinal system; liver; biliary system; pancreas; kidney; urinary tract.