Sylabus: Lectures Lecturers: • Kateřina Kamarádová, MD, PhD • Aleš Kohout, MD, PhD • Prof. Jan Laco, MD, PhD • Prof. Aleš Ryška, MD, PhD
1. Female genital system. (prof. Laco, 3 hours)
2. Nervous system. Skin. (dr. Kohout, 3 hours)
3. Male genital system. (prof. Laco, 3 hours)
4. Endocrine system. Breast. (prof. Ryška, 3 hours)
5. Musculoskeletal system. (prof. Laco, 3 hours)
6. Developmental diseases. (prof. Laco, 3 hours)
7. Caries. Pulpal and periodontal disorders. (prof. Laco, 3 hours)
8. Pathology of lips, tongue and oral mucosa I. (dr. Kamarádová, 3 hours)
9. Pathology of lips, tongue and oral mucosa II. (dr. Kamarádová, 3 hours)
10. Pseudotumors and cysts. (prof. Laco, 3 hours)
11. Odontogenic tumors. (prof. Laco, 3 hours)
12. Diseases of jaws and maxillary sinus. (prof. Laco, 3 hours)
13. Nonneoplastic salivary gland disorders. (prof. Laco, 3 hours)
14. Salivary gland tumors. (prof. Laco, 3 hours)
15. Systemic disorders and syndromes with head and neck manifestation. Cervical lymphadenopathy. (dr. Kamarádov á, 3 hours) Practical courses & seminars Lecturers: Kateřina Kamarádová, MD, PhD Practical courses:
1. Introduction: Parotid gland (124). Submandibular gland (125). Sublingual gland (126). Tooth development (179a).
2. Inflammations and Reactive Lesions of Salivary Glands: Acute purulent sialadenitis (131). Chronic sialadenitis (132). Interstitial sialadenitis (mumps) (130). Cytomegalovirus sialadenitis (144). Lymphoepithelial sialadenitis (Sjögren syndrome)(208). Necrotizing sialometaplasia (133a).
3. Tumors od Salivary Glands: Pleomorphic adenoma (184). Warthin tumor (186). Adenoid cystic carcinoma (185). Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (187). Acinic cell carcinoma (220). Salivary duct carcinoma (187a).
4. Inflammations: Herpetic esophagitis (145). Candida glossitis (128+Gram). Lichen planus (206). Pemphigus vulgaris (221). Pemphigoid (222).
5. Inflammations: Acute osteomyelitis (223). Chronic sinusitis (134). Hypersensitive sinusitis (135). Granulomatous cheilitis (143). Actinomycosis (142).
6. Cysts: Radicular cyst (136a, 136b, 136c). Lymphoepithelial cyst (137). Epidermoid cyst (138). Thyreoglossal duct cyst (139). Mucocele (178).
7. Reactive Lesions and Benign Tumors: Giant cell epulis (168). Congenital granular cell epulis (226). Squamous cell papilloma (224). Fibroma (171). Hemangioma (175). Lymphangioma (225). Lipoma (181). Granular cell tumor (183). Schwannoma (227).
8. Precancerous Lesions and Malignant Tumors; Melanocytic Lesions: Leukoplakia (167). Actinic cheilitis (228). Squamous cell carcinoma (198). Basalioma (197). Pigmented nevus (194). Malignant melanoma (195).
9. Non-neoplastic Lesions of Jaws: Cherubism (177c). Central giant cell granuloma (229). Fibrous dysplasia (230). Paget disease of bone (210). Osteoma (177).
10. Odontogenous Tumors of Jaws: Ameloblastoma (179). Pindborg tumor (211). Keratocystic odontogenous tumor (231). Ameloblastic fibroma (211b). Odontoma (232).
11. Non-odontogenous Tumors of Jaws: Osteochondroma (233). Osteosarcoma (177b). Chondroma (201a). Chondrosarcoma (201b2). Langerhans cell histiocytosis (235).
12. Lesions of Lymphatic Nodes and Thyroid Gland: Sarcoidosis (163). Tuberculosis (165). Toxoplasmosis (166a). Graves disease (160). Follicular adenoma (236). Papillary carcinoma (237).
13. Revision seminar.
14. Credit.
Pathological anatomy is part of basic study subjects. It introduces students to the nature of human diseases, the cause of diseases (etiology), the mechanisms of their development (pathogenesis) and the changes in cells and tissues caused by the disease state (morphology of diseases).
Male genital system; female genital system; nervous system; skin; musculoskeletal system; endocrine system; breast; developmental diseases in the head and neck; caries; pulpal and periodontal disorders; pathology of lips, tongue and oral mucosa; pseudotumors and cysts; odontogenic tumors; diseases of jaws and maxillary sinus; non-neoplastic salivary gland disorders; salivary gland tumors; systemic disorders and syndromes with head and neck manifestation; cervical lymphadenopathy.
Entry requirements:
Histology and Embryology II, Pathological Anatomy I