Prof. Jaroslav Mokrý, M.D., Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Yvona Mazurová, M.D., Ph.D.
Josef Mraz, M.D., Ph.D.
Tomáš Soukup, M.D., Ph.D.
Hana Hrebíková, MSc.
1 L : Histological techniques. (Mokry, 2)
\r\n2 PC : Excursion to the histological laboratories - demonstration of the processing of histological material. Excursion to the EM laboratory. Processing of hard tissues. (Mazurová, Mokrý, 3)
\r\n3 L : Ossification - intramembranous, endochondral. Ossification of mandibular condyle; synovial membrane. (Mokrý, 2)
\r\n4 PC : Revision of histological preparations - glands, CT and cartilages. (Hrebíková, Soukup,3)
\r\n5 L : Circulatory system. The lecture is added to mandatory ones.) (Mráz, 1)
\r\n6 L : Developmental principles in the ontogenesis. Stem cells. Neural crest. - ELC (Mokrý, 3)
\r\n7 PC : Revision of histological preparations - bone, ossification, muscle tissue, peripheral nerve, vegetative ganglion, differential diagnosis of vessels. (Soukup, Mráz, 3)
\r\n8 L : Hematopoiesis (principles). Blood - morphology of blood elements. (Mokrý, 2)
\r\n9 L : Tooth tissues - 2nd part. . (Mazurová, 2)
\r\n10 PC : Tonsils (palatine, lingual, pharyngeal). Revision of histological preparations - respiratory and lymphatic systems. (Mokrý, Hrebíková, 3)
\r\n11 L : Organs of the mouth cavity - lip, salivary glands, tongue, palate. General structure of the digestive tube. (Soukup, 3)
\r\n12 PC : Revision of histological preparations (primarily of the mouth cavity , incl. the tooth). Credit. (Mazurová, Mráz, 3)
Lectures (L) / Practical classes (PC)
Lecturers Prof. Jaroslav Mokrý, M.D., Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. Yvona Mazurová, M.D., Ph.D.
Josef Mraz, M.D., Ph.D. Tomáš Soukup, M.D., Ph.D.
Hana Hrebíková, MSc. 1 L : Histological techniques. (Mokry, 2) 2 PC : Excursion to the histological laboratories - demonstration of the processing of histological material. Excursion to the EM laboratory. Processing of hard tissues. (Mazurová, Mokrý, 3) 3 L : Ossification - intramembranous, endochondral. Ossification of mandibular condyle; synovial membrane. (Mokrý, 2) 4 PC : Revision of histological preparations - glands, CT and cartilages. (Hrebíková, Soukup,3) 5 L : Circulatory system. The lecture is added to mandatory ones.) (Mráz, 1) 6 L : Developmental principles in the ontogenesis. Stem cells. Neural crest. - ELC (Mokrý, 3) 7 PC : Revision of histological preparations - bone, ossification, muscle tissue, peripheral nerve, vegetative ganglion, differential diagnosis of vessels. (Soukup, Mráz, 3) 8 L : Hematopoiesis (principles). Blood - morphology of blood elements. (Mokrý, 2) 9 L : Tooth tissues - 2nd part. . (Mazurová, 2) 10 PC : Tonsils (palatine, lingual, pharyngeal). Revision of histological preparations - respiratory and lymphatic systems. (Mokrý, Hrebíková, 3) 11 L : Organs of the mouth cavity - lip, salivary glands, tongue, palate. General structure of the digestive tube. (Soukup, 3) 12 PC : Revision of histological preparations (primarily of the mouth cavity , incl. the tooth). Credit. (Mazurová, Mráz, 3)
Předmět doplňuje některá témata povinné výuky histologie a embryologie. Výuka histologie je zaměřena především na praktické studium histologických preparátů z hlediska obecné i speciální histologie.
Studenti jsou také, během návštěvy histologických laboratoří, seznámeni se základy histologických technik (vč. EM a zpracování tvrdých tkání/ zubu).
Přednáška (ELK) z embryologie je věnována problematice kmenových buněk a vývojových principů v ontogenezi.