Introduction to Metabolism of Proteins and Amino Acids. Transamination, Oxidative Deamination and Decarboxylation of Amino Acids. Catabolism of the Carbon Skeleton of Amino Acids. Ammonia Formation and its Removal. (Köhlerová 5 h)
Metabolism of Porphyrins and Bile Pigments. (Řezáčová 1 h)
Blood clotting. (Řezáčová 1 h)
Metabolism of Muscles. (Mrkvicová 2 h)
Acid-Base Balance, Metabolism of Kidneys. (Řezáčová 2 h)
Metabolism of Connective Tissue and Skin. Connective Tissue Proteins - Collagen and Elastin. Non-collagenous Proteins. (Mrkvicová 2 h)
Calcified Tissues - Composition of Bones, Dentine, Enamel, Cementum. Process of Mineralization and Remodeling. Hormones in Mineralization. (Stoklasová 3 h)
Dental Plaque and its Metabolism. (Stoklasová 1 h)
Principles of Regulation: Signal Molecules and Receptors. (Řezáčová 2 h)
Hormones and their Effects. (Koutová 2 h)
The Comparison of the Metabolic Pathways in the Liver, Muscles, Adipose Tissue and CNS. (Stoklasová 1 h)
Saliva and Digestive Tract. (Stoklasová 1 h)
Introduction to Xenobiochemistry. (Stoklasová1 h)
Introduction to Immunochemistry. (Stul ík 1 h)
Laboratory classes & seminars
Prof. Martina Řezáčová, M.D., Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Radim Havelek, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Ïng. Milos Hroch, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Alena Stoklasová, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Renata Köhlerová , Ph.D.
Dr. Alena Mrkvicová, Ph.D.
Dr. Darina Muthná, Ph.D.
Dr. Darja Koutová, Ph.D.
Dr. Martin Uher
Lipids: Classification, Structure, Properties; Metabolism of Fatty Acids, Triacylglycerols and Complex Lipids. Ketogenesis.
Lipoproteins: Digestion, Absorption and Transport of Lipids. Metabolism of Lipoproteins, Hyperlipoproteinaemias, Atherosclerosis. Test.
Steroids: Classification, Structure, Propertiess. Metabolsim of Cholesterol, Bile ACids and Steroid Hormones. Test.
Metabolism of Amino Acids I: Proteins- Digestion, Absorption, Transport. Metabolism of Ammonia. Biosynthesis of Urea.
Metabolism of Amino Acids II: Transamination, Oxidative Deamination and Decarboxylation of Amino Acids. Specific Meatabolism, Hormones and Neurotransmitters Derived form Amino Acids. Test.
Blood: Metabolism of Blood Elements and their Metabolism. Haemostasis, Haemocoagulation, Importance of Eicosanoids.
Acid-Base Balance. Minerals and Water in the Body. Hormonal Control.
Muscles: Metabolism of Contractile Tissues. Energy Sources and their Relationship.
Connective Tissues: Collagen, Elastin, Calcium-binding Proteins, Acidic non-collagenous Proteins. Glycosaminoglycans, Proteoglycans, Glycoproteins. Test.
Bones and Teeth:their Physical and Chemical Characteristics. Organic and inorganic Components. Process of Mineralization and Rebuilding. Test.
Regulation: Receptors. Extracellular and Intracellular Communication. Hormones I: Pituitary and Hypothalamic Hormones.
Relationship in Metabolism of Carbohydrates, Lipids and Proteins in some Tissues and their Regulation. Hormones II: Thyroid Hormones, Hormones of the Pancreas and the Adrenals.
Xenobiochemistry: Basic Principles.
Oral Cavity: Saliva and Gingival Juice - Composition and Production, pH in the Oral Cavity. Dental Plaque and its Metabolism. Pulp, Periodontal Ligament.Test.
Laboratory classes
Concentration of Glucose in the Serum.
Renal Function Tests: NPN
Total and Conjugated Bilirubin in the Serum.
Concentrations of Calcium and Phosphates in the Serum.
The subject Biochemistry II is focused on the following main areas: 1) Metabolism of the basic components of the organism: the topics smoothly follow on from the subject of Biochemistry I, in which students became familiar with the production of energy in the organism (citrate cycle, electron transport chain, ATP production) and carbohydrate metabolism. The focus is on a basic overview of the metabolism of lipids, eicosanoids, steroids and lipoproteins, ketogenesis, metabolism of proteins and amino acids, the formation of urea and its elimination, the metabolism of porphyrins and bile pigments. 2) Metabolism of organs and tissues: After mastering knowledge about individual metabolic pathways, the description of their presence in organs and tissues is discussed, including a basic idea of mutual communication and regulation. 3) Dental topics: Special attention is paid to the metabolism of the periodontium, bones and teeth (composition, mineralization process, neurohumoral regulation), saliva and gingival fluid; the formation and metabolism of dental plaque is not neglected.
Study outcomes 1) The student will get a basic idea of individual metabolic pathways and their interconnection. 2) The student will be able to describe from a biochemical point of view the origin, composition and development of the tooth and the periodontium, including regulations. 3) The student will be able to explain the consequences of the effects of bacterial metabolism products on teeth and periodontium. 4) The student will be able to apply the acquired knowledge to model situations.