Lecturers: Mgr. Dagmar Vrběcká, Ph.D. Mgr. Klára Čebišová Mgr. Monika Janouchová Zuzana Jurenková Bajerová Practical classes:
1. Lekce 13 – Karta pacienta Personal data – filling the patient´s file. Czech birth number system. Spelling the Czech alphabet. Medical prescription. In the pharmacy. Grammar: Ordinal numerals.
2. Lekce 14 – Barvy Colours. Colours in disease symptoms. Grammar: The nominative plural.
3. Lekce 15 – Vyšetření Daily routine in past. Patient´s symptoms in past. Grammar: Verbs – past tense.
4. Lekce 16 – Restaurace Communication in restaurant. Health problems involving digestion. Eating habit medical examination dialogue. Grammar: Verbs expressing „to know“. Indefinite pronouns and adverbs.
5. Lekce 17 – Nemoci a diagnózy Names of diseases and medical examination methods. Grammar: Nouns, adjectives and pronouns in the genitive singular forms. System of the medical terminology grammar structure.
6. Lekce 18 – Kdy se to stalo? Patient´s past history phrases. Months. Saying the date. Grammar: Saying the date.
7. Revision class. Communicative activities concerning both general language and medical vocabulary. Students´ projects presentations.
8. Lekce 19 – Kdo pracuje v nemocnici? Names of hospital departments and clinics. Names of doctor specializations. Names of diseases and examination methods. Grammar: Nouns, adjectives and pronouns in the genitive plural forms.
9. Lekce 20 – Zaměstnání Professions. Patient´s social and work medical history phrases. Time expressions (when, what time, how often, how many times, for how long). Questions of daily routine and habits. Grammar: Time expressions.
10. Lekce 21 – Životopis Curriculum vitae. Time expressions (since, from – till). Patient´s past medical history phrases. Grammar: Cardinal numerals in the genitive forms. Time expressions.
11. Lekce 22 – Co děláte rád/a Interest and hobbies. Lifestyle. Grammar: Expressing „to like “. Negative pronouns and adverbs.
12. Lekce 23 – Kolik je hodin? Saying the time. Time expressions (since what time – till what time). Daily routine. Biological clocks. Grammar: Time expressions.
13. Lekce 24 – Cestování Travelling. Culture events. Post office. Grammar: Verbs – perfective and imperfective aspects.
14. Revision class Credit revision in communicative activities. Students´ projects presentations.
The course introduces basics of the Czech language focusing on practical day-to-day usage (personal data, colours, restaurant, profession, curriculum vitae, interest and hobbies, say the tome, travelling). It also prepares students for the doctor-patient communication which they will perform in the hospital (medical examination, names of diseases, hospital departments and stuff).
The materials contain recorded materials in the form of doctor-patient dialogues, articles dealing with medical topics, and exercises focusing on professional vocabulary acquisition including general medicine.