Prof. P. Boštík, MD, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Buchta, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Vlasta Štěpánová, M.D., Ph.D.
Kateřina Neradová, M.D., Ph.D.
No. Theme Lecturers Duration
Introduction to Medical Microbiology, Bacteriology. Cell structure. Morphology.(Boštík, Prof., MD, Ph.D.)
Virology, general virology - taxonomy of viruses, detection of viral infection. Special virology - DNA and RNA viruses. Antiviral agents. (Štěp ánová, M.D., Ph.D.)
Mycology. Taxonomy. Yeasts, molds, dimorphic fungi. Antifungal agents. (Buchta, Assoc. Prof., Ph. D.)
Parasitology. General parasitology. Protozoa, helminthoses. Antiparasitic agents. (Boštík, Prof., MD, Ph.D.)
Antibiotics - summary, mechanisms of action, mechanisms of resistance, examples of clinical usage. (Neradová, M.D., Ph.D.)
Practical courses & seminars
Vlasta Stepanova, M.D., Ph.D.- 7
Rudolf Kukla,MSc/Miroslav Fajfr, MD, Ph.D.. - 8
Practical courses
Microbiology - workflow in microbiology lab. Students are introduced into safety rules in microbiological laboratory. Attention is paid to the issue of disinfection and sterilization. Hand hygiene.
Basic principles of microbiological diagnostics. Direct tests Part 1 (microscopy). Gram staining, cultivation. Preanalytical phase. Collection, transport, and maintenance of biological materials.
Basic principles of microbiological diagnostics. Direct tests Part 2 (cultivation, biochemistry). Cultivation, culture media, conditions of cultivation, MALDI-TOF MS.
Antibiotic susceptibility testing. Disc diffusion method. Microdilution method. Minimal inhibition concentration, break-point, interpretation of test results. Detection of betalactamase.
Staphylococcus. Description of genus, morphology, enzyme detection. Staphylococcal toxins, therapy.
Streptococcus. Description of genus, morphology, hemolytic streptococci, viridans group, pneumococci. identification, therapy. Indication of the methods in clinical practice.
Enterobacteriaceae. Description of genus, endotoxin, exotoxins. Main species of genus. Serotyping. Clinical diseases.
Pseudomonas, non-fermentative rods (Burkholderia, Stenotrophomonas). Identification of non-fermentative rods, oxidase test, exotoxins (pigment). Oportunistic pathogens. Role of non-fermentative rods in hospital acquired infections.
Basic principles of microbiological diagnostics. Microbiological methods in mycology and parasitology
Molecular-biological methods. Microscopy, cultivation. Principle of PCR, the pros and cons.
Bordetella, Neisseria, Haemophilus. Cultivation, morphology, satelitism. Capsulated pathogens. Credit test.
Mycobacterium, Corynebacterium, Nocardia, Listeria. Acid-fast staining. Tuberculosis. Listeriosis. Credit.
Notes: Actual informations about microbiology lectures and practical classes you can find on MOODLE and the board on the first floor of the department of microbiology (the building No. 17, Faculty Hospital).
Bacteriology: Gram positive and G negative bacteria, basic characteristic, pathogenicity, therapy and prevention of bacterial infections. Antibiotics: mechanisms of action, resistance, susceptibility testing, rules of ATB therapy and rules on the use.
Virology: RNA and DNA viruses, Prions, basic characteristics. The antiviral therapy, the prevention of viral diseases.
Mycology: basic characteristics of pathogenic fungi, local and systemic infections, opportunistic infections, mycoses and antifungal therapy. Parasitology: Protozoa, worms, basic characteristics, cycles in nature, in animals and in human population, pathogenicity.
Arthropods: causative agents of diseases and vectors. Therapy and prevention of parasitic infections.
Basics of clinical microbiology. Nosocomial infections and diseases.
Vaccines and principles of immunization. Laboratory methods in microbiology.